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Messages - rosieposy87

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 201
Introduce Yourself / Hey
« on: May 22, 2005, 08:52:57 am »
Hey!! I was at the same gig as you- i was at the front too! Unfortunately i was about 15 at the time and could not stop screaming, hehe. Me and my friend were the ones with the flags. We met her afterwards too!

I live in Hampshire so you live really near me! Its freaky how all the nessa fans from england come from the south pretty much. Welcome aboard!

Polls / Caption Contest Poll
« on: May 20, 2005, 01:41:25 am »
Such poor American humour!

Other Musicians / Anna Nalick
« on: May 19, 2005, 09:03:30 am »
Quote from: "Steveau"
The first couple of times I heard Breathe I wasn't too impressed by it but I've been hearing it more and more recently and it's growing on me.  It's pretty catchy and I'm kind of digging it.

I so agree. Thats exactly the same with me- i thought Breathe was a bit dreary compared to her other songs (i.e In the Rough which i loooove) but now i really like it.

I met her mummy when we went to the London gig! She knew who i was from the O-Board! It was SO cool!

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: May 19, 2005, 08:58:49 am »
Hey, i asked a while ago for an avatar to match my sig- but since nicole hasn't been around so much, i'd be really really grateful if anyone could make me one? Thankyou so much.

Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"

You can nick one now Will! Do you not see the huge advantages this has!?

Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Hey Rosie, here is another reason why you should give me the poster. Now that I'm staff, I can't enter in these contests anymore!

Errr how about no.

She looks SO cute in those AIDS events pictures! Wearing her clothes with styyyyyyle. hehe

Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Umm... William has not been able to attend any Vanessa concert, owns all her albums (plus a few imports, for good measure)

William, she's released 2 albums. That does not constitute an achievement. lol.

No no! I really think someone would value it way more than me- and i definitely don't want to sell it or anything like that. A true nessaholic should get it! You could run another competition and use it? Or we could come up with a silly competition and we'll give it to whoever? or maybe it could be used for something constructive? I don't know!

Ahhh i'm sorry to mess you guys around- but i've thought about it and i would really love for my poster to go to someone who would really value it. I have my fair share of signed Vanessa things- i don't feel like i need more- its not fair on other people when it would make someone so happy! I don't know how we could decide who it goes to though?

P.S B- i love Anna Nalick's 'In The Rough'! hehe.

Completely Off-Topic / Hizzle Bizzle to the Brizzle!!!
« on: May 08, 2005, 10:45:43 am »
You're a LEGEND!Always so so kind to people, willing to help anyone out anytime, and generally a very cool nessaholic! So i hope you have a really great birthday B!


Quote from: "B"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
I WIN!!!! Don't change the rules when i was blatantly right! hehe. OOOOH yeah!

1. We are guessing the announcement date of the new single. This means that you are guessing the date we find out from either: A&M, a post by Vanessa, or an accredited web source [,,, radio station website, etc.], what the new single will be.

The fact that there was an announcement that there will be no single still counts as an announcement date for the single!  :razz:

It is a minor technicality, but we also said it doesn't matter what the single will be or when it will be released, just when they tell us what is going on  :wink:.

Errr no it doesn't? It says the announcement is for what the new single will be or the date the new single will be released. That doesn't count in negation.

I wonder who owns the rights to ATM? Because while that song should technically keep her comfortable for the rest of her life, if she leaves A&M in a bitter fight- then things ain't gonna be easy. I think everyone knew this was coming- and i am just hoping her 'new people' aren't some tiny indie label. I think everyone needs to calm down a bit about the 3rd album- think how long Harmonium took. I am not getting my hopes up.

I WIN!!!! Don't change the rules when i was blatantly right! hehe. OOOOH yeah!

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