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Messages - HarmySandwhich

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Polls / Nolita Fairytale
« on: June 11, 2007, 04:08:05 pm »
Quote from: "me and my piano---tim"
Quote from: "MeganJane"
OOPS... I voted before I found out the full song was available... and I have changed my mind... I voted "it's alright"... but now as a whole I don't like it... while some parts of it sound cool, overall it sounds messy to me. It sounds all-over-the-place.... and the awkward "hey!" sounds cheesy to me :? [/i]

yea I agree the 'hey' is kinda strange... HI!!!

I agree too. Reminded me of Avril.  :oops:

I don't like Avril...


GAH! It's in my head now!!

Quote from: "Pyro"
Hi, everyone! It's so great to have a new Vanessa song! I like it. I was a little surprised how personal and factual it was because not everyone's going to be familiar with what the lyrics mean. I'm really hoping this single does well for V, though. I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get her new album in the Spring like we originally thought, but we Nessaholics are patient. I can certainly wait a few more months. I'm still so excited, though! I love her so much! I always have!


I'm not sure about that statement but I know for sure we'll all wait, no matter how long, until it comes out.

Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
Wait....I am confused...Vanessa and Stephan (spelled wrong mabey..) broke up or just like producing wise?

They broke up a while ago, apparently and since the album is still in the making I was just deliberating whether that would have had an effect on the production of the album at all.

Quote from: "blueglove"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Quote from: "white_houses"
I'm interested to know who produced it. Was it Stephen, does anyone know? Some people are saying it's Irv who produced it....

Both Stephen and IRV

I think stephen produced the begining, but it sounded like it is all irv now.. they may have scrapped a lot of the old stuff... MAYBE, just speculation

Yeah - might have been. When did Stephen and Nessa split up? Do you think that would have had an effect on the production of the album? Are they still friends?

/gossip freak. Seriously, i'm quite curious.

Quote from: "white_houses"
I'm interested to know who produced it. Was it Stephen, does anyone know? Some people are saying it's Irv who produced it....

Both Stephen and IRV

Other Musicians / Brad Paisley
« on: June 11, 2007, 02:17:36 am »
Now, i'm very aware that most people are into other sorts of music - just not country. Well, Brad Paisley is and before you say you hate I want you to give it a try. As a guitar player, this guy has been a huge influence on me and it's only recently happened - possibly a year ago but he's so phenomenal as a guitar player, it's unbelievable. I've created two Youtube Videos just for you guys.

Some Mistakes - Brad Paisley
Brad Paisley Guitar Solo Mix

Quote from: "Simply Ordinary"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
I'm hosting it on Youtube now but Youtube is being slow.

My video is up, with an exciting slideshow.


You were the one who beat me. lawl. I uploaded the video about 4 hours ago and it's still processing ffs.  :cry:

Polls / Nolita Fairytale
« on: June 10, 2007, 01:04:10 pm »
Yes or No?

It's a fine line - either you love it or hate it, or somewhere in between. Now that we have the full track at our disposals, it's time to vote.

I love how the beginning sounds similar to Half a Week before Winter.

Creative Endeavors / nessas'oil paint
« on: June 10, 2007, 12:02:45 pm »
That's awesome! It's a lot better than I can do. I gave up art after GCSE. I probably wouldn't be able to paint like that, even if I continued taking up Art. Good job on Nessa herself. My only criticism would be that it looks slightly 2D.

I'm hosting it on Youtube now but Youtube is being slow.

God. They weren't kidding when they said there would be a lot of guitar  :lol: . Loooove it. Nolita Fairytale is my favourite Nessa Track on the new album and incidently, my favourite track by her.

Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Quote from: "Ghisy"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
I haven't heard House either. I think it's one of those tracks which only a few privilleged people have heard - like Spring Street.

Vanessa played "House" during her soundcheck at the Giant showcase back on Oct 2006.
Only blueglove and I were there and he has the audio that he didn't want to share back then (there was a heated discussion about it).
End of story.

I'm on it. Give me a week and I'll get it


Will you marry me?  :lol:
you are a legend!


Who wouldn't? Of course.

B, I realised. I thought you deleted it for a second then for copyright infringments.

God. Where do I start. This song is absolutely amazing. It's just exactly how I imagined it. I must admit I thought it would be slightly repetitive but I don't think that at all. I love the breakdown where she says, "Want a garden". Wow. And who says it doesn't sound like John Mayer?  :lol:

It's priceless. Awesome. I love it. Thank God.



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