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Messages - Jessica

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 54
Polls / Whats your sign?
« on: October 03, 2007, 11:00:01 am »
i'm a poster child for pisces.

i think its interesting the way signs interact with eachother.. for example pisces and taurus are supposed to be good together because pisces is a water sign and taurus is earth.. so together water and earth create a balance. my boyfriend is taurus and so is my best friend

Polls / What delicious alcoholic beverage do you prefer?
« on: October 02, 2007, 06:37:06 pm »
Quote from: "jessica73"
Maybe I've been drinking the wrong beer, but the two kinds I've had have been merely okay (Bud Light) to heinous (Corona).

if I want something low in alcohol, I just get some alcopop, like Smirnoff triple blacks. Tasty.  8)

yes you've been drinking the wrong beer.
WHY does anyone drink budlight? why! it makes no sense.

Completely Off-Topic / ITS AUTUMN!
« on: October 01, 2007, 08:42:48 pm »
it sure doesn't feel like autumn here. today it was 81ºF (27ºC)


has it even rained this year? PLEASE GET COLD SOON.

Completely Off-Topic / Planning My 21st Birthday
« on: October 01, 2007, 08:39:08 pm »
i don't know if i'd go to acapulco since mexicos's drinking age isn't enforced and the fun of turning 21 is going to places you couldn't go before...

i spent my 21st birthday in london, and while it was amazing because it was st. patrick's day and there were a lot of irish celebrations going on, part of me still wishes i could have been in the U.S where being 21 actually meant something

i would take a road trip with some friends maybe up to san francisco or somewhere and hit the town... it'll be more exciting to do it in a new city

Polls / Automatic or Manual Car
« on: October 01, 2007, 08:24:47 pm »
Quote from: "tylor2000"
Are you a complete newbie to driving a stick shift?

i've driven my boyfriend's car a few times around my neighborhood but not enough to actually drive well. I still stall on reverse and first gear half the time.

Polls / Automatic or Manual Car
« on: October 01, 2007, 07:44:11 pm »
I'm getting a new car sometime soon being that a 90 year old man rear ended me going 35 miles per hour while i was completely stopped and totaled my Acura.

i've been wanting to learn to drive manual transmission but I can't decide if I want my new car to be stick or auto.


the car i'm looking at that i want the most is a mini cooper... and I feel almost ridiculous buying that car in automatic, it was made to be driven properly! but..

cons- i live in LA- home of stop and go traffic, tail gating drivers and hills. i don't want to be stuck in traffic stopped on a hill and have my car roll backwards into another car.

-i wont be able to drive it home from the dealer without stalling every 5 minutes

pros- its more fun to drive and more control over the car
        - I'll finally learn
        - its $1300 cheaper than the auto trans.

what would you do??

this is a vc thread, not the i love jesus message board.

what is bebo?

haha nice going vanessa. and i dont mean that sarcastically. i can picture her getting pissed and being like I HAVE MORE THAN ONE SONG YOU IDIOT. but seriously, what is wrong with these people, I don't know why people confused her and avril lavigne to begin with but they should have learned the difference by now its been like 6 years.

Polls / Drugs
« on: September 20, 2007, 03:58:20 pm »
well obviously her drug usage hasn't come in the way of her goals, and she's still making music and being productive so some recreational drug fun doesn't seem to be a problem...

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Heroes & Thieves Tracklist
« on: September 18, 2007, 05:23:10 pm »
i am really hoping that 'come undone' is not an 80's cover.

october isn't too far now!

everyone should buy 2 copies instead of 1 if they can so her record sales will be double :)

Polls / Harry Potter
« on: September 10, 2007, 07:40:11 pm »
i never read them but i did see harry potter nekkkid. ;p hehehe

Completely Off-Topic / New Dog...advice?
« on: August 31, 2007, 05:12:50 pm »
im sure theres something on google about it. look up pet training tips.

when i got my labrador puppy Lola a few years ago, we were scared to let her near to my sisters crazy dog that didnt like anyone and was always attacking people.. but we just held her and let them sniff eachother and they eventually got to know eachother and now theyre like in love its so funny haha.

Completely Off-Topic / For all the old school nessaholic fans
« on: August 31, 2007, 05:09:09 pm »
haha forgotten about me i suppose. ;p

i joined this one later than the original VCMB, before it turned to shite.

Completely Off-Topic / Anti Virus
« on: August 24, 2007, 07:17:27 pm »
Quote from: "IcyStorm"
Macs can get viruses. It's just that they aren't as common. Virus writers are more interested in writing viruses for the system with the largest userbase. But viruses for Windows wouldn't normally affect Mac OS X.

well then people need to stop buying macs to be trendy! because if the mac user base becomes as large as the windows one, then we'll have evil virus writing losers after our poor innocent computers :p

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