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Messages - ScottishKevin

Pages: [1] 2 3
Other Musicians / Natasha Bedingfield
« on: July 18, 2005, 08:47:09 am »
Lol, Natasha has been on the scene here in the UK for a while now! I think she has stopped releasing singles from the album "Unwritten", though. The order of singles were:

1) "Single"
2) "These Words"
3) "Unwritten"
4) "I Bruise Easily"

The "I Bruise Easily" video was one of the best! I loved it! Natasha really is amazing and I can't wait for new material. "These Words" did extremely well over here.

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Monster in Law
« on: July 18, 2005, 08:35:41 am »
I haven't been to see this movie- the Poster puts me off! The promotional Poster for this movie really makes the movie look boring and bland. I'm guessing it isn't, though! Lol.. So that's why I didn't go to see it. Wait a minute- does that mean promotion really does work? :|

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Thirteen
« on: July 18, 2005, 08:34:29 am »
Quote from: "Will"
Maybe people are just weird around here....

What do you mean?

Other Musicians / Paris Hilton
« on: July 18, 2005, 08:32:12 am »
I am considering buying it, if the rest of the songs are as good as "Screwed". I don't understand why everybody is hating. She actually sounds good!

I agree with you! I enjoyed "Screwed" and think it's really good. If the rest of the album follows the same genre, I would buy it. I think Paris is hot and has an okay voice, although I would never expect her to sing live! Lol, she did well in "House Of Wax", was a good actress I thought. "Screwed" is a good song, though!

Polls / What artist would you like to see cover Vanessa?
« on: July 15, 2005, 08:06:22 am »
Imogen Heap - Papa

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Private Radio
« on: July 13, 2005, 05:04:14 am »
That doesn't sound childish at all! I'm like that, too. It's purely down to the fact that I still get Night Terrors as well as regularly getting paralysed in bed. It's really frustrating and I see people in my room etc..

Now that sounds childish!

Creative Endeavors / My cover songs on my CD
« on: July 12, 2005, 02:24:58 am »
"Streets Have No Name" sounds really like Vanessa, although I don't think it is her. You have done a really good job on that song! The verses are really good, but where the chorus' comes in, you should work on that bit :)..

"Annie" sounds a little off-course, but that's just because it's a hard song to do. If I tried to sing "Annie", I reckon I would mess it up completely! You have done a good job considering though!

Introduce Yourself / I'm a newb!
« on: July 12, 2005, 02:16:28 am »
Welcome to the Boards! I am still kind of new here, too, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it here as the people are so friendly and nice, and welcoming! Have a good time here!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Private Radio
« on: July 11, 2005, 07:48:36 am »
Waow, really.. You would do that for me? That would be just awesome! Unfortunately, I don't have AIM :(.. Would I be able to get the Audio CD's anywhere? And how would I get them? Thanks a lot!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / favorite song
« on: July 11, 2005, 07:32:27 am »
My favourite would probably have to be either San Francisco, The Wreckage or Streets Have No Name.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Private Radio
« on: July 11, 2005, 07:31:43 am »
Waow! Thanks a lot! You don't have anymore of the Nashville performances, do you? Thanks again :)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Private Radio
« on: July 10, 2005, 12:26:49 pm »
Ahhh, I understand! I'll go listen to it now and see what I can make of it. I really wanted to like it as it was the only song on the album I would think "Damn" when I heard it, as the rest were so good. Thanks for your help, guys! :).

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Private Radio
« on: July 10, 2005, 11:32:36 am »
Quote from: "Jophess"
Just because you don't like a song doesn't mean that everyone else should dislike it.

I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. Darn. I tried to explain it in my Post what I meant. I was just wanting to know the meaning of the song so maybe I could understand it a little more, as I like it when I can understand deep and meaningful songs, which Vanessa provides every time. I like the melody of the song I would just like to know what the lyrics mean. Thanks. Once again, sorry.

Completely Off-Topic / I need everyones thoughts/prayers.
« on: July 10, 2005, 09:41:22 am »
It's hard to say anything to someone going through such pain, but I hope this helps:

In times of darkness, love sees.
In times of quietness, love hears.
In times of loneliness, love speaks.
And at all times, love remembers.

So whatever happens, try to remember this, and it will help. It sure did when my Grandad passed away :(..

My prayers for your family and yourself, and I wish all of you the best.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Private Radio
« on: July 10, 2005, 09:19:09 am »
Ahh, cool! Lol, really sorry for criticising "Private Radio" :( Lol..

..Where can I hear the live version?

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