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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / sound the sirens review
« on: November 06, 2004, 07:06:31 am »
Nice review, BUT:

I'll bet a fortune that ol' Sable Yong NEVER listened to "Be Not Nobody". Really.

This review is full of cliche's about Vanessa's pop hits, and portrays her first album as shallow. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Heck, this "glowing" review, and it's description of how the tunes "read like an obscure journal of a girl who can only translate her thoughts through poetry" could easily be a review of her first CD, you would only have to change the titles of the songs and the album.

Sable has made the same mistake and has done the same disservice to Vanessa that many people have: they've cast Vanessa in the light of her radio hits, and sadly missed the depth of her album(s).

A truly PHONY review we have here. I grant that Sable may have listened to "Harmonium", and maybe more than once. But it's her portrayal of "Be Not Nobody" that is completely faked, or at least it has completely missed the point. She has made the same assumptions about it that many have, and incorporated that nonsense into her review. She should have listened to it instead of writing such a standard "formula" review of Vanessa's work.

Sable Yong: "You are fired" :twisted:

Live Shows / 10/25/2004: The Odeon - Cleveland, OH (review)
« on: October 26, 2004, 05:41:11 pm »
I really enjoyed the show. VC sounded so strong, she pounded out the music and the words, 'twas awesome. She acted real cute and seemed happy to be there. I stood by the bar till VC was about to take the stage, then we moved in on the right, and I could view her from across the piano, maybe over 5 people. I swear she kept looking right at me!! I love when she does that... From this vantage point it looked and sounded perfect.

The asshole from the Odeon was a jerk! I know the guys from FYE, I'll find out how many of the CD inserts they gave out. I figure Vanessa just about crapped when she saw the huge line of people waiting for sigs, it was like almost everybody that was there!!!!

I sure do miss the band, tho'. I'll never forget the feeling of when the band would join her onstage and she would launch into "Unsung", or when she moved about the stage rockin' with "Sway" or she would stand on the piano bench for "Paint It Black"... She did suggest at one point last night that she would eventually add a band to this tour, so I'm there for that...

Overall: Happy, Happy, Happy.... 8)


Live Shows / Attend a VERY small and intimate performance...
« on: October 24, 2004, 01:42:11 pm »
My name is Roy and I'm a Nessaholic.

If there is ONE established NESSAHOLIC that can be in downtown Cleveland on this Monday 10/25 at 11:30AM and that would like to attend a small intimate performance by Vanessa Carlton, send a PM.

Reply will be later with a phone number to call for full info. Only ONE admission is available and it will be free. This is a private lunchtime performance. Her public performance is at 8PM at The Odeon. It may be possible to also get 3 free admissions to The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, if you need something to do for the afternoon... Admission to The Odeon is NOT included.


Live Shows / private show
« on: October 20, 2004, 03:09:21 pm »
For a chance to win admission to a private performance by Vanessa in Cleveland on Monday at Noon: Go to and join the free Q-club. Then send an email to: and write that you want to attend the Q Lounge. It's assumed that about 40 people will be there. Most admissions have been awarded already via radio give-away last week. The email announcement of this for Q-club members was at 5:45 PM 10/20/04. No end time is specified, so I dunno' anything else about entering... see ya' there!!!

Me too, Steph. I got Airtran resvs, but I gotta drive 2 hours to that airport, AT dun't come no closer to me, the jerks! $155 R/T. Now if I get to NYC, and it snows, I'll be stuck there and I can't tell you the comps that would cause...  :(

But I Love this stuff. Am I Sick or what?

Oh, I reassembled my PC last nite, but it's making this screeching sound. I think the move killed it. If I have time tonite I'll assemble my bedroom furniture... Could I be any busier??????????????

Thanks, Gina! Don't worry, I got a handle on it and it'll work out just fine...
Anyhoo, the Liberry is closin' and I better get home... You can hang out at my new place if Ness ever makes it back to The Rock And Roll Capital of The World! I (hope she makes it to The Odeon here, we can get early entry tix to the place.....)

See Ya' Saturday!!! :razz:

Wassup Gina!?! Yes there's a way for a price. And I moved today, my PC is disassembled, I dun't even know if my phone line is working! I'll figure that out as soon as I locate my telephone (I'm at the public library). Other than that everything else in my life is just in t-t-total disarray. A perfect time to blast of to The Big Apple! I'm concerned that I won't get home in time to drive to Columbus for a concert... HEY! - Ya' gotta' have your priorities!!! If I don't go to NYC I'll be in Dayton Sat night...  :arrow: unpacking can wait till next year, I'll buy some new undies to make it thru...

:?  Return flights are now sold out. I can get to NYC, but then I can't get home.   :cry:  Unless someone loans me a cool grand... 8O  but I'll find a way I figure..... :twisted:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / you so funny....
« on: December 02, 2003, 04:22:03 pm »
8)  Tricia, You ROCK!  8)

:crazyeyes: Yep, they just read mine about an hour ago....

 :mrgreen: I think I wrote a good one.

 8) I know if I was them I'd pick me, but wait, I'm me and they're them, I'm not them, so I dunno' if they'll pick me... D'oi!
If I'm gonna' go I'll hafta get a haircut. Oh, and a plane ticket too...

And Wednesday I'm moving, and on Thursday there's a concert, and also I gotta' be back in time to drive to Columbus for another concert on Sunday... then the next Monday and Tuesday, also... and work, and clean my old place to get my deposit back, and then more concerts, then more after that....

This is so kewl  8)

Hey, Vanessa, over here!!!  :o

We're being the BEST fans....   :heart:

HEY! Vanessa!!!   :crazyeyes:, hey... Vanessa?  :puppydog:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa added to Farm Aid lineup
« on: September 07, 2003, 07:08:04 am »
This is a recurring nightmare...

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Live Webcast...
« on: September 07, 2003, 04:38:17 am »
Quote from: "eclv"
Have fun!!

I guess so, and while I spend the whole day going there to NOT see Vanessa you can watch the show live on-line...


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa added to Farm Aid lineup
« on: September 06, 2003, 07:09:50 pm »
So I heard she's not gonna' be there, and that it was confirmed by her managers office and the press relations in Columbus, but you know how flaky some people are, they make up things when you ask a question, so I called the FarmAid info line 800 number today, and they said she would be there, for sure (yeah, right). So I figure that if I don't go Vanessa WILL be there, and if I do go, then she WON'T..... (weird how things work like that). So I'll prolly head down there in the afternoon tomorrow, and get to see Sheryl Crow and Neil Young, if not Vanessa..... I do have this ticket for it.

 :?  :?:  :?  :?:  :?  :?:  :!:  :!:

Live Shows / Farm Aid - Sept. 7, Columbus, OH
« on: September 05, 2003, 02:38:02 pm »
Friday 9/5/03  6:00 PM EST

According to David at Peter Malkin Management in NYC (Vanessa's) and Brenda of Vanguard Promotions (Press Relations for Farm Aid, contacted on site at Columbus):

"Vanessa Carlton has a throat infection and will NOT be appearing in the Farm Aid lineup on Sunday"

yeah, well... whatever..... :cry:

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