« on: January 26, 2004, 03:17:34 pm »
Anywho, my birthday's coming up on Friday. Since we're all busy on Friday, the crew is going to party come Saturday.
But anywho, here's the deal. We're going to a strip club. But I've never been to one--and without sounding like a total dork (even though I am)--I don't want to go and end up making a fool out of myself. I'm not sure on the "etiquette" of these places besides the obvious "no touching" rule.
So any guys/girls that have been to a gentlemen's club should help me out with any knowledge they can. How much money should I take? How much do you tip a girl if she comes over to the table? How much is the average dance? How much do you tip? Blah blah, blah blah, blah blah.
I'm totally serious--be as helpful as you can. Only serious responses need reply.