Polls / Artist Name?
« on: April 27, 2012, 01:59:23 pm »
Hi guys! So I've just finished writing my first demo album. Which means that I'm eventually going to record and submit it to some place. Which means that I'm going to need a catchy name, because the last name Danieli doesn't really cut it.
Opinions, comments, questions? Help me out!
edit: Oh, by the way -- if anyone's wondering, the album covers a couple of themes; primarily sleeping and dreams. I don't want to make a whole lot of comparisons since I'd like to be considered an independent artist, but Nessa's talk of magical thinking resonates with me. I think the album speaks a lot about using sleep as a method of escaping your reality. c:
Opinions, comments, questions? Help me out!

edit: Oh, by the way -- if anyone's wondering, the album covers a couple of themes; primarily sleeping and dreams. I don't want to make a whole lot of comparisons since I'd like to be considered an independent artist, but Nessa's talk of magical thinking resonates with me. I think the album speaks a lot about using sleep as a method of escaping your reality. c: