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Messages - VanessaCarltonMania

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Quote from: "nutnlp"
I think you took the comment about being the underdog all wrong.  Vanessa is the underdog cause clearly she is more talented than what mainstream 'music lovers' like and can appreciate.  I don't think the comments made above were at all negative...basically saying that Radio and Media don't appreciate real talent, and because V is so talented she doesn't get the credit she deserves...

oh well now that i read ur post...i re-read the article and maybe ure right...
hehehehe  :oops:  :oops:  :lol:  :lol:

Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
well if you do it in terms of like sales, she is the underdog. But if you do it in terms of talent, she is most def. not an underdog. But we are bias b/c we are her fans. Outsiders that are not fans, might not appreciate Vanessa as much as we do.

yeah...i get ur point...but still we dont say bad things abt Stevie now do we?  :?

Creative Endeavors / A few songs I've written...
« on: July 24, 2008, 02:10:42 am »
I know its been a veryyy long time since ive posted any sons but i have PLENTY to share now :razz: :lol: :D

Here is one called ' LOVING U '

though getting over u is hard
i dont think its the hardest thing ill have to do
loving u was hard enough
after all of that, why is it punishment i have to go through?

loving u was like hell
it burnt and stung
yet i still wanted more
loving u tore my heart apart
and now im sprawled out, face down on the floor.

i still say it doesnt hurt
my heart has gone numb from the pain
if i waited long enough, i wonder if u wuldve figured it out
well, its too late, im done, im sick of the rain.

Quote from: "iamcoffee"
That VC's piano playing was highlighted through out this album. I know she sings and writes but her piano playing is what made me enjoy it the most.

Amen!  :lol:  :lol:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa and Kohls Campaign!
« on: July 24, 2008, 12:09:58 am »
Quote from: "SadAsBlue"
Quote from: "LimeTwister"
Isn't everything at kohl's always on sale?

Lol it would appear that way


this isnt cool....poor Vanessa...she is trying her best....she is not an 'underdog' or an 'outcast' :roll:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa and Kohls Campaign!
« on: July 22, 2008, 12:45:22 pm »
Quote from: "VaderDawsn"
Went to my local Kohl's and checked out the Vanessa Carlton Display. The jewelry was practically picked clean:-) I found the necklace I wanted though 30% off.

its already on sale?? wow! that was fast! :razz: :lol: :lol:

this is cool :D

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa Appearances / Magazines
« on: July 21, 2008, 09:09:55 pm »
^^ Try ur best :D

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa and Kohls Campaign!
« on: July 21, 2008, 12:25:08 pm »
OMG oki i just emailed my aunt in the usa! I NEVER THOUGHT OF DOING THAT! hopefully someone else hasnt already done it where they live...i wuld be rly sad  :(  :(  :cry:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Nominate Vanessa for a VMA.
« on: July 21, 2008, 02:12:45 am »

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa and Kohls Campaign!
« on: July 21, 2008, 01:36:23 am »
OMG!!!! this is sooo cool!
i wish i was in the USA now!!!!!!!!!!!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Nessa Project.
« on: July 18, 2008, 10:20:08 pm »
okay :D
And i also had an idea for ppl in the USA to like go around the mall or wherever and take like an Ipod or MP3 or something and a picture of Vanessa....have strangers listen to a clip of any song....and say somethig nice...or comment about her picture....idk...just a thought....dont know if thats safe in the USA though :lol: LOL

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Nessa Project.
« on: July 18, 2008, 09:37:07 pm »
IS it okay if i get some random people to give nice comments about could be used as an ending or something....just random things....?? :razz:
Just to help u get more papers in there :lol:
Oh yeah i could get my  friends to write one saying how much they like her cuz she make me happy and inspires me or something....idk ill think  of something cool LOL :lol: :lol :D

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa and Kohls Campaign!
« on: July 17, 2008, 01:12:52 pm »
THANKS!!!!  :D  :D  :D  :D

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