Oh Rogier.. Hans Blix is a laughing stock. He, on many occasions, made about as much sense as the Iraqi Information minister.
He continually wrote conflicting reports on Iraq's WMDs prior to the war... he catered to whoever seemed to be winning the day's argument. The man has no spine whatsoever.
Now he is quoted as saying, "The longer the United States and Britain occupy Iraq without finding weapons of mass destruction, the more conceivable it is that Baghdad destroyed them after the first Gulf War in 1991. It is sort of fascinating that you can have 100 percent certainty about weapons of mass destruction and zero certainty of about where they are." But let me remind you, since 1991 it was one man's responsibility to verify that those weapons were destroyed... Hans Blix. Yet another thing at which he was a miserable failure.
Hans Blix is not a new player in this game.. he's been around since 1991.. and he failed to accomplish anything 12 years ago as well.