a couple years ago people would tell me i should model, but I decided to wait until after I got my braces off. Now I have neither the model looks or the model body to do it anymore. I used to have a great body, the best in my 9th and 10th grade class they'd tell me... not anymore! haha
and yes, it is like freedom!
And yeah... i'm happy i can drink soda and chew gum again...
(not like I wasnt doing that the whole time I had the braces on, haha)
hehe aww yea well honestly a model has to be tall, thin, have a symmentrical face , perfect teeth and hair...lol its CRAZY however all true..but you know what if its something you still consider doing, i say dont give up because theres a lot of people out there looking for different looks and you never know, you might exactly be what they are looking for even if you dont think so.. :wink:
but anywho i am glad you got them off, you seem very excited about it...unlike you sometimes i wish i had them back in... :lol: i miss them very much