Author Topic: McCain gets slammed!!!  (Read 50176 times)


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« on: September 06, 2007, 11:28:14 am »

I just had to make this topic! I can't believe that a highschool student could stand up to a presidential candidate about LGBT rights. Plus, Will's in my English class... so that makes it more awesome!  :D

EDIT: Sorry for the mispelled title "get's" is supposed to be "gets" lol Haha


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2007, 07:08:07 pm »
Wow thanks for posting that.
Stupid homophobics. What the heck is people's problem?
Just because someone is different doesn't mean that they are doing something wrong. How could anyone even have such a lame opinion (McCain)?
Does he think gays are inhuman or something just because they aren't like him?
They are just people who just happen to like the same gender. Why can't people just accept that and move on?!

“So you believe in taking away someone’s rights because you believe it’s wrong?”

Exactly. If everyone was the same in this world and all believed in the same things, can you imagine how boring it would be?Just because HE believes something is wrong doesn't mean it IS wrong.

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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2007, 07:12:40 pm »
Well, technically, if you're christian or believe in the christian God, the Bible clearly says homosexuality it wrong. Some some uber religious people won't be able to just accept that and move on, niether will homophobes. But you're right, people should accept it as it is and not be such tightasses and speech and be vocal about it. I'm not all for the gay thing, but at least I have manners.


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2007, 07:15:55 pm »
The bible says that? What the heck it its problem?
Sorry Im not into that whole religious thing.
I have a gay relative and I love him all the same. Just because the bible says its wrong what he believes in doesnt mean he shouldn't be accepted.
Someone needs to rewrite that thing [the bible.]

And atleast you're polite about it (person who posted above me.)
I had a teacher who just came out and said his homophobic opionions right in front of everyone. His rude, wrong, opinions...

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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2007, 07:34:25 pm »
Well it is a shame that homophobic's exsist, but you have to remember 1 person can't make a difference, especially posting on a forum. So you wanna change something, get all your friends, and protest against it, it is wrong.


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2007, 07:35:33 pm »
Who is this McCain person? Did he invent Chicken McNuggets? Hm?


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2007, 07:40:40 pm »
LOL no.

He's some senator or something.

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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2007, 07:41:23 pm »
Ugh, I hate politics.  :cry:
Such a waste of time.


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2007, 07:42:57 pm »
Not really a waste of time. We have to have them to make this country run smoothly (or un-smoothly. Thanks a lot GWB)
But anyways...


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2007, 07:45:17 pm »
mmhmm... well I see it as who cares about who goes out with who if its the oppisite sex or same sex why should there be people to judge I mean we are in the land of the "free" why can't the person you want to marry/date have to be an issue were you can't really be free for some people??!? its one of those things that will mabey never get reslocved there is always going to be one person against it never 100% ok with it. Like with racists (spelled wrong) that is always going to be there. Worlds not perfect, oh well.

Like V said in a performance (The Roxy? Bowlery? one of thoes) She said that you should "be able to go out with whatever you want does not even have to be a person I dont get it"..

paraphrased a bit but you get the point.

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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2007, 07:46:02 pm »
Quote from: "twilightcarnival"
Not really a waste of time. We have to have them to make this country run smoothly (or un-smoothly. Thanks a lot GWB)
But anyways...


Omg please take George back, ever since he came to australia, jesus... It's been so packed and so much secruity around the air port...

But he did get us a public holiday [eg today]..


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2007, 07:47:33 pm »
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
mmhmm... well I see it as who cares about who goes out with who if its the oppisite sex or same sex why should there be people to judge I mean we are in the land of the "free" why can't the person you want to marry/date have to be an issue were you can't really be free for some people??!? its one of those things that will mabey never get reslocved there is always going to be one person against it never 100% ok with it. Like with racists (spelled wrong) that is always going to be there. Worlds not perfect, oh well.

Like V said in a performance (The Roxy? Bowlery? one of thoes) She said that you should "be able to go out with whatever you want does not even have to be a person I dont get it"..

paraphrased a bit but you get the point.

You make no sense.
I didn't read the article, but anyway I'm gay and I happen to think that it's not right for two guys or two girls to get married.


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2007, 07:49:32 pm »
Quote from: "soupdujour"
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
mmhmm... well I see it as who cares about who goes out with who if its the oppisite sex or same sex why should there be people to judge I mean we are in the land of the "free" why can't the person you want to marry/date have to be an issue were you can't really be free for some people??!? its one of those things that will mabey never get reslocved there is always going to be one person against it never 100% ok with it. Like with racists (spelled wrong) that is always going to be there. Worlds not perfect, oh well.

Like V said in a performance (The Roxy? Bowlery? one of thoes) She said that you should "be able to go out with whatever you want does not even have to be a person I dont get it"..

paraphrased a bit but you get the point.

You make no sense.
I didn't read the article, but anyway I'm gay and I happen to think that it's not right for two guys or two girls to get married.

So when you find a guy you like, you will never want to spend your life with him, as a married couple. Just a question by the way.


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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2007, 07:50:28 pm »
I make no sense? You make no sense! you just go around posting lame comments on posts that people post. I was just giving my oppinoin and you have to go and make it look like its crappy, thanks thanks a lot. That was retorical so don't say You welcome.

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McCain gets slammed!!!
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2007, 07:51:26 pm »
Take George back?
You guys can keep him :D

And isthefiveofus, I thought that was a very good opinion.

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All I seem to feel is light...