Yes, the crime is called "trolling in real life" :razz: Although, I can certainly see why you could be arrested for that, or denying the Holocaust there.
I never thought anyone would get mad over being referenced as a Jew, but I had my Perspectives in Film professor go on about the Jew/Jewish difference, because someone mentioned it in reference over a film we'd just watched.
I just thought she was having some kind of liberal breakdown, but I see it's actually an issue. I'll be careful what I say if I go over there, lol.
Professors are constantly having liberal breakdowns. I've noticed that when people attend college they tend to express extremely liberal views because they've been brainwashed by their teachers in High School and College professors. The majority of college graduates I know become a lot more centered and moderate outside of school. Money and finances will always make you a bit more conservative. lol
Anyways, yeah.
I want to be a professor so I can have liberal breakdowns.
The more education typically comes with being more open minded and having a better understanding on how the world works. With that said, I'm a PoliSci major, and my Profs are generally unbiased when it comes to teaching, and I feel like they have a better understanding than most about what's going on in the world...which tends to form their ideology. However, they know to leave their beliefs outside of the classroom and allow the students to form their own opinions.
Most of my high school teachers were conservative, and the education department at my college is full of's more about upbringing and influences based on the part of the country the person is from.
And, I was listening to an NPR program that was explaining how more and more rich people, especially younger generations, are more willing to give and pay more in taxes because they earn more, which would be a liberal value. Plus, there are a lot people who are socially liberal and economically conservative, including professors.
I have not been "brainwashed," I can form opinions on my own.
Um, you can also be extremely educated and know jack shit about the outside world and how it works. Reading a book about a subject and being tested on it is extremely different from going out into the world and experiencing what books and professors discuss and lecture on for yourself.
It doesn't compare.
Also, students who have 4.0 GPAs are the most boring fucking people on the face of the planet, you'd think they'd be interesting because they're "smart" and know a lot about the subjects they study. But that's
all they know about. If something's not in a book, they won't know about it. They tend to live in bubbles. Statistics have shown B students perform better in life and are more apt to succeed than A students are. What do good grades predict? Future good grades. Nothing else. lol
Anyways, I live in Massachusetts. Which is the MOST liberal state in the entire country. So I agree, it must be a regional thing, because the teacher population here is generally extremely liberal.
And it annoys me because liberals can be just as narrow minded as conversatives. It's rediculous.
Actually, recent studies have shown that 60% of the wealthy population in the country are in fact, democrats, and not republicans. It's not a statistic that the democrats particularly like, because the republicans are supposed to be "the party of the rich".
And that's interesting about what NPR said. In my MacroEconomics class the professor asked who was in favor of universal health care, and everyone raised their hands. Then he asked who was in favor of raising taxes to pay for universal health care. And no one raised their hands. lol How can you be in favor of universal health care and not be in favor of raising taxes to pay for it. I don't get it.