they put out a video for blinded... it was just not really an eye-catcher, though. it was a montage of live shots and photoshoots and the band hanging out, which i guess was kind of meant for the fans they already had, b/c they're the only ones who would appreciate it. if they would've put out a "real" video with a plot and stuff it probably would've done better. blinded actually made onto the casey kasem top 40, like to number 36 or something (lol). there was no video for crystal baller, which was a total mistake, IMO. that song was incredible, and videos are another way for a song to gain exposure, and they didn't do it. part of the reason why was because their label, Elektra records, was against financing it (they're apparently having financial problems).
as for a new album in the fall, i'm hoping for it, but i wouldn't be surprised if it didn't happen. they were supposed to put out and ep this spring but it got scrapped (by elektra-- they wanted a full album, a "money maker"). at this point, i wouldn't be surprised to see the band breaking up, or at least taking a break. stephan is busy with vanessa's album, and since it's not out til june it means they still need him there, and no offense to vanessa but i'm sure she proves a worthy "distraction"... :wink: tony has a side project, a band called tight E whitey (lol) that is busy with an album and they want to tour, arion (bass) has been recording and touring with kimya dawson from the moldy peaches (she sings on "self-righteous"), and brad (drums) has a band called the soren gray rock show. so who knows what'll happen here.
ps. i know i provided a lot of info that might seem obvious to some, but not everyone knows the whole situation... don't think i'm assuming you're stupid