I've read a TON of Paranormal Romance novels and Stephenie Meyer is lame. Her books remind me of Amanda Ashley and Christine Feehan (much better writers). Strong Morman message in her books that I do not like, corny teenage drivel. I used to really like Kristen Stewart but lately the way she's been running her mouth with comments such as "being a celebrity is like being raped" what...whoa...really?! No. Someone needs to club her on the head because being raped is in no way like making millions of dollars with fans chasing after you because they love your work in film or music. She just seems so ungrateful, if she doesn't like it, she should take her money (that she has enough of) and go live in the woods. Robert Pattinsons acting is hysterical, the way he can't keep a straight or serious face, as if he's always trying to hold back a laugh (since the screenplay is awful). They are all laughing all the way to the bank. This saga/series is a joke and I'm glad I'm not part of this twilight craze.