great, great show. my first vanessa show ever. ridiculous as that is. but she was adorable, and amazing, and the setlist was great.. i don't really know what she plays at shows cuz she doesn't play many, and i've never been to one. but i was hoping for fools like me, home, more than this, and like, private radio. but nicole said she never plays private radio (nice to meet you guys by the way.
anyway, i felt really bad for her about the whole sound problems, because her "brain was melted" and she had to leave the stage during her SINGLE. which sucks ASS. and it wasn't her fault at all.. but people probably thought it was. but the dean just got done saying how there's 2300 people at the school. and they can't have a decent sound system? the techs looked moronic also.
anyway.. the show was amazing. she sounded great, and i loved her banter between songs, and the instrumental intros to the songs. great show all around. plus we met her afterwards (after a lot of bullshit), and she was real cool and adorable.
great time. this was basically one of the best weekends ever? third eye blind show, then vanessa show the next day. holy crap!