I can't post a picture because my parents don't know ihave this tattoo...they'd freak out if I had one. And if I posted a pic that would mean having to put it on my computer...
But its just simple letters that says "DILLIGAF" which stands for "Does It Look Like I Give A Fuck?" which is pretty much my motto b/c people always give me a hard time, or try to shoot me down so I try not to let it affect me too much and try not to care what others think of me.
I know most of you think im stupid for doing that to myself, but its really small (1/2 by 1.5 inches) but if I regret it enough I can get it removed, get another tattoo to cover it or just put a band aid over it.
And I learned how to do it by google and pre knowledge about it (I've wanted to be a tattoo artist for a while and I know about pigments and stuff from reading magazines and such) its not that hard to do, it just takes forever if you don't have a machine because it takes tons of little dots to get a solid line.
If you stay focused and draw it on yourself before you start with the needle you'll be good. It hurts a little, legs aren't that sensative if you're doing it where there isn't a lot of bone, it just bleeds lol so don't be drunk or on advil or anykid of blood thinner.