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AhHO! Well musta missd THIZ rather large yarn bombed bull & the Gap ad but i prefer the random bikes & carts on chains.
Jake Davis (@JakeDavisFilms)1/13/12 9:30 PMJust finished Q&A for @BarneysNY and now w/ Ms. @VanessaCarlton brainstorming her next film. Then he tweeted lyrics from HTB bridge. How exciting if we get another video!
imo they would be stupid not to release DC next... I agree
math equation 4 this?worse you feel deep in/ the harder you party, feel good at core & u party lite. alcoholic? shitfaced alwys + see part 1
on a lighter note i just realized my main goal in life is to have 3 year olds dig me. They are the most honest people.
Can someone please translate the math equation tweet?
I took it to mean this: the worse you feel= the more you drinkwhen you feel happy inside= you drink/party lessalcoholic= constantly drinking= sad inside
I like these girls. @Firstaidkitband & NPR is kind enough to stream album. chchcheck it