Nobody knows anything at this point. We believe she has 'parted ways' with the Inc/Universal because of an article that popped up the last couple months. I don't know what kind of deal she signed with them....hopefully it was 'album to album' that way shes not stuck.
I don't think Inc/Universal was that bad, I mean they did give her more than A&M did, they gave her a second single, 2 music videos, a Khol's spot, multiple tv shows used music from h&t, tv show performances, my personal opinion, I just think Nolita wasn't a good lead-off single...the song wasn't very relatible, unless you live in Nolia haha......Hands On Me probably would have been a better 'comeback' single...
I think it was silly and unprofessional for her to sign with Universal/Inc. so quickly after she got dropped from A&M. Harmonium was a great record and with a little more promo and a second single, I think it would have done it some justice number wise. The music industry has changed, labels are buying other labels, etc....people are not buying the music the way they were 7-10 years ago...hopefully she doesn't sign with another major for the release of her next 'project' whenever that is.....3 labels with only 4 albums is BAD! Just go indie...but it's going to require a little more hands on work on her part.
When it comes down too it, it's about numbers, and if the numbers are not what the label was expecting, it becomes a problem for both the label and the artist. She'd be soooo much better off's not 2002 anymore.