Oh... Puh... LEEEZE!!!
Why are people thinking this is her last album?
It's not like she's writing a novel and this is like the last one a series.
She is going to keep writing cos as someone said she's definitely one of those people who can't help but write. And even if she doesn't manage to release another album almost immediately, I wouldn't mind waiting for however long till she is (as we were assuming, 'financially' able) to release one.
I've been a NESSAholic for a long time now and I can honeslty say the instant at which she stop promoting her current album and starts premiering songs from her new one at sporadic concerts definitely is one of the most amazing-est feelings in the world. I still remember the days of "Pyhom"(
) and how awesome it was when only The One, This Time and it were known from H & T.
If we're lucky, maybe one of her songs maybe catchy enough for mainstream and she could do like well enough.
And she's always got that bloody single ATM for which I can tell you she probably gets paid big bucks! I mean come on Archuleta is going about singing it everywhere he friggin goes. You could YouTube find a billion more vids of him singing the song than her.
I know this is not her last album.
She is definitely gonna get better with age and I can't wait.