This should be challenging.
Demo: Burden or Wonder...hmm.
BNN: Twilight or Wanted...I can't decide (again).
Harmonium: Afterglow and Annie! Almost a tie there...but I guess in a matter of life or death I'd have to choose Afterglow. I also like Private Radio and San Francisco pretty well...hmmm.
Heroes & Thieves: Eek. goes between Home, Heroes & Thieves, The One, Spring Street, and More Than This. Maybe even Nolita Fairytale. I'm so indecisive.
ROTR: The Marching Line, London, Tall Tales for Spring...Hear the Bells. Gah. I'm sorry I can't settle on anything!
Unreleased: Best Behavior, Ameriteen, or All is Well. Also, if these two songs she's put up for download count (even though they are technically released), DEFINITELY I've Loved You Since I Was 6. That one goes to my unbelievably long list of favorite songs
ever, heheh.

...Sorry for being completely incapable of making a decision.