I always see these threads and think "Ooh, this is going to be fun

", only to find myself sitting in corner 10 minutes later going "But I love them
" Anyway, I'm going to do this through a very intense and painful process of elimination. I'm also going to be a freak and name my favorite of well... many things... because I'm crazy. Here I go!
Demo Tape:
Last Fall (This is not her best song technically, but there's something about its raw and unbalanced writing that's haunting. Almost like Tim Burton's older films.)
Carnival (No explanation needed. One of the best songs ever... at least in my opinion.)
Sway (I wasn't expecting this to be, because all the songs on BNN are really cool, but by battling each one against eachother it seems to have won. Awesome.)
She Floats (Possibly my favorite V song ever. I actually liked it even before I'd actually heard it... somehow I ended up with the Harmonium piano book before the album many years ago. Not sure how that happened.)
This Time (I feel this song gets a lot of hate, but I really like it. That fact may or may not have influenced my decision.

Tall Tales for Spring (Very hard decision, but something about this song just works so well. Can't quite explain it.)
Morning Sting (My favorite unreleased one changes by the day.)
Where The Streets Have No Name (So great.)