Author Topic: Michelle Branch  (Read 310840 times)

I gotta wear shades

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1215 on: January 12, 2006, 09:27:25 pm »
Quote from: "jessicaweiser"
I promise you their record is not least what I've heard anyway.

I really almost cried when I heard the new version of "lay me down" (verses the Michelle demo that everyone orgasms over)... it's so beautiful and I don't almost cry over many songs :D

They must not realize that Shanks is not involved with this album.

So Weiser, if LAY ME DOWN is so good how come Jessica promises that it won't be a single?


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1216 on: January 13, 2006, 06:04:41 am »
Shades if I knew where you lived I'd show up at your door and strangle you.

Weiser: That's wonderful to hear :D

at least i can say
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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1217 on: January 13, 2006, 07:43:51 am »
Quote from: "amberbeads"
I don't care for overproduction. That's not what I was getting at.
What I mean is that it would be difficult to make Michelle's music suck. Or Jess's. Frankly I'd rather get an overproduced record than none at all... I'm probably the only one, but seriously, we've been waiting so long.
If they don't get absolute control I'm sure it'll still be great, after all, it's still Michelle and Jess.

I think the production of preface ruined it, i love all those songs in their acoustic form but i really can't get into preface..

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1218 on: January 13, 2006, 09:06:15 am »
Quote from: "jessicaweiser"
I promise you their record is not least what I've heard anyway.

I really almost cried when I heard the new version of "lay me down" (verses the Michelle demo that everyone orgasms over)... it's so beautiful and I don't almost cry over many songs :D

Thanks, hearing you say that makes me feel TONS better.

I'm really looking forward to hearing that "Lay Me Down" version.  When they played the acoustic version of the song in Chicago, I remember thinking that it sounded WAY better slowed down than rocked out.  So much more emotion is conveyed.  The Michelle versions is really catchy and I like it, but I'd much rather have a beautiful/powerful song than a catchy single for the local pop station.  Having a couple of songs to tap your foot to on an album is great, but an entire record of that is boring.  Give me 8 or 9 songs that you can get into with all your senses and a couple of "fun" songs to bop your head to and I'm a happy man. :wink:

What bugs me is how so many people seem to desire that their favorite musicians be super-popular.  As long as they're selling enough albums to keep making more, who cares?

I've noticed a lot of Vanessa fans acting this way on these boards.  Many people are getting all excited about Linda Perry producing Vanessa's next album with the hope that it will sell like her first one because of Perry's dexterity for making hits.  Don't get me wrong, if Vanessa makes another Harmonium only it sells, I'll be happy as hell.  But, if she's focusing more on making a hit than creating the beautiful music I know she's capable of, I have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed.

Fortunately, from what I've been able to pick up regarding her character, I highly doubt Vanessa has sold out, and I'm looking forward to what she and Perry put together.

And now your reassuring words have peaked my anticipation for SSLP.
Thanks! :D

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1219 on: January 13, 2006, 09:33:48 am »
Quote from: "amberbeads"
I don't care for overproduction. That's not what I was getting at.
What I mean is that it would be difficult to make Michelle's music suck. Or Jess's. Frankly I'd rather get an overproduced record than none at all... I'm probably the only one, but seriously, we've been waiting so long.
If they don't get absolute control I'm sure it'll still be great, after all, it's still Michelle and Jess.

I agree to a certain extent.  A lesser Michelle or Jess album is better than no album at all, however, this is a special case.  Michelle is taking a stand right now.  It took a lot of courage to go off on her own label like that, even if it was done spontaneously or in the heat of the moment.  I cannot put into words how much admiration and support I feel for Michelle regarding this topic.  Young female artists are constantly being exploited.  Record execs realize they can move more albums and merchandise by putting together a bunch of shallow radio hits and selling an image than by allowing these girls the freedom to be true artists.

I hope fans like you realize what Michelle was talking about in her post and, eventually, you decide to get behind her and not give up and demand any kind of album, even if it isn't the one Michelle wants you to hear.  

And, I'm not talking about SSLP (which, based on Weiser's comments sounds like it's gonna be great).  I'm talking about Michelle's future projects.  Remember what she said, she isn't having any fun any more and she's only written two songs in the past year.

I know your just being a fan when you say that any Michelle album would be good enough for you, and any album is better than none.  But, conversely, if Maverick forces Michelle to adhere to their idea of what her image should be and they force her to make the kind of music they think will sell better regardless of her desires as an artist, then I'm afraid Michelle is just gonna say f-it and then you WON'T have ANY Michelle albums. :cry:


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1220 on: January 13, 2006, 10:26:35 am »
I think people desire more fame for their favorite artists because fame ensures more longevity.
My favorite musicians are Third Eye Blind and Vanessa, both of which are in sticky situations involving labels and their previous records flopped. I don't particularly want everyone freaking out about either, because then they're not my little secret anymore, but I know that if they put out commericially successful albums again it would give me a bit more certainty that I would hear more music from them.
Does that make any sense?

at least i can say
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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1221 on: January 13, 2006, 11:13:52 am »
Quote from: "amberbeads"
I think people desire more fame for their favorite artists because fame ensures more longevity.
My favorite musicians are Third Eye Blind and Vanessa, both of which are in sticky situations involving labels and their previous records flopped. I don't particularly want everyone freaking out about either, because then they're not my little secret anymore, but I know that if they put out commericially successful albums again it would give me a bit more certainty that I would hear more music from them.
Does that make any sense?

I understand what you are saying, but I'm going to have to politely disagree.  Vanessa and TEB sell enough records to keep making more and enjoy long careers.  Also, I think that too much popularity can actually hurt longevity nowadays.  Never have the big labels been so willing to make and break artists in a flavor-of-the-week manner than today.  The problem is that some of the people they do this to are legitamate artists and don't deserve it (Vanessa).

I look at what is happening with Michelle to back up what I'm trying to say.  Michelle's last album debuted at #2 on the charts and went multi-platinum, but it sounds like she's frustrated and miserable and isn't sure whether she can keep making music if things don't change.  Even though she's super famous and her albums sell like crazy, there's a chance she'll retire after SSLP.  I know it's only a very, very slight chance, but that is what "success" has brought her to.  It seems to me that success has hindered her goal of longevity.  Then you look at somebody like Ani Difranco who is famous, but not like Michelle or Vanessa, and she has all kinds of albums and has the opportunity to stay around as long as she pleases without any headaches at all.

Vanessa is my favorite artist too, and I don't care whether she just has a strong cult following like Ani Difranco, or she has eleventy-skajillion-billion fans, but I think her music will be better and her future will be brighter if she remains at or around the level of popularity she has now.


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1222 on: January 13, 2006, 03:05:48 pm »
Neither artists' last album even went GOLD.
That's NOT selling a lot of records.
Third Eye Blind fans are terrified of the band dissolving because there is no longer much of a demand for their music.
If SSLP flops and she retires, I think she can only blame herself... For making a record she knew her label wouldn't like. I understand this whole situation, but I think that's it in a nutshell. Yeah she should have more freedom to make the record she wants without the label being mad, but regardless that's not what went down, and it was her choice. Don't jump down my throat about it, either. It's just my opinion I'm not dissing anyone here.
It sucks that she's miserable, but I think at least she's making a record she's proud of; at least she HAS a record that we know about FOR SURE... It's hardly the same as Third Eye Blind.

at least i can say
i was not afraid
i loved you all the way
i'd pick the fool any day.

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1223 on: January 13, 2006, 04:29:24 pm »
Quote from: "amberbeads"
Neither artists' last album even went GOLD.
That's NOT selling a lot of records.
Third Eye Blind fans are terrified of the band dissolving because there is no longer much of a demand for their music.
If SSLP flops and she retires, I think she can only blame herself... For making a record she knew her label wouldn't like. I understand this whole situation, but I think that's it in a nutshell. Yeah she should have more freedom to make the record she wants without the label being mad, but regardless that's not what went down, and it was her choice. Don't jump down my throat about it, either. It's just my opinion I'm not dissing anyone here.
It sucks that she's miserable, but I think at least she's making a record she's proud of; at least she HAS a record that we know about FOR SURE... It's hardly the same as Third Eye Blind.

 8O Whoa.  I must have come off sounding more strongly than I meant to or something.  I didn't mean to start a fight, and I definately wasn't attempting to jump down your throat.  I don't even know if that is physically possible.  I'm kinda short, but...gee.

  Ani Difranco started up her own label when she was eighteen with nothing more that 50 bucks and a guitar.  And that was before she had any name recognition at all.  I would hope if all the members of TEB put their heads together, they could figure something out.

As far as Michelle goes, I guess we just see it way differently.  I don't think she can be blamed for the way the industry treats her.  It seems that, to her, adhering only to what her label tells her to do despite it contradicting her own desires as a musician isn't worth it.  She wouldn't be an artist making her music, she would be just another industry whore.  And simply making money isn't what she's about, she's not Sean Combs.  Any subsequent records she put out she wouldn't feel were hers.  It would be the same as if she wasn't making any music at all.

Let me try this, what if TEB's label told them they would market the shit out of their next album and guarantee its success if they followed all these stupid rules and guidelines?  First off, if TEB has any integrity, they would tell their label to f-off.  But lets just say they agree for some reason.  The ensuing record would end up sounding nothing like it would have if they made it the way they wanted, so could it really be considered a true TEB album, or would it just be some crap they did because they sold out and they are really upset over how it turned out?

Would you, as a fan not care?  To me, that album would be just as useless as another year of nothing and I would be pulling for them to get off of their label and start their own so I could hear some real TEB music.  What do I care whether they are on the radio or MTV or whatever so long as they still have albums coming out and they're still touring?  That's how I feel about Michelle.

I hope this didn't just piss you off more, but it's in my nature to understand how/why people think the way they think, and I'm having some difficulty getting my head around your perspective.  I'm really not trying to be mean, and I'm sorry if I'm offending you somehow. :puppydog:


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1224 on: January 13, 2006, 05:58:59 pm »
y'all write too much
the only descrpition i've been told from people that have heard the full album is that it's just "okay"


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1225 on: January 13, 2006, 10:42:04 pm »
lol at least (s)he? gets his/her point across... you're so cryptic :lol:

abbottandcostello, I wasn't implying that you'd already jumped down my throat. I was asking that you didn't in the future for the comments I was making in that particular post. lol this makes no sense.
Anyways, I agree with a couple of your points, disagree with a couple... I seem to have a different opinion on Michelle than a lot of her fans. I respect her and think she's talented but I'm not going to behave like she's a goddess. I think Michelle would appreciate being treated like a regular person.
I disagree with many of her choices in the last year or two. But she is just a person who's going to make mistakes so I'm not going to freak out about it. I am and will remain a tad skeptical about SSLP and the whole Wreckers project until the album comes out and is a success, in which case I'll say, Sorry I doubted you, Meech, I never should have. If it flops I'll just shake my head. But I am looking forward to hearing it. I wasn't lucky enough to catch an OTH date.

at least i can say
i was not afraid
i loved you all the way
i'd pick the fool any day.

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1226 on: January 14, 2006, 11:39:50 am »
Quote from: "amberbeads"
lol at least (s)he? gets his/her point across... you're so cryptic :lol:

Anyways, I agree with a couple of your points, disagree with a couple... I seem to have a different opinion on Michelle than a lot of her fans. I respect her and think she's talented but I'm not going to behave like she's a goddess. I think Michelle would appreciate being treated like a regular person.
I disagree with many of her choices in the last year or two. But she is just a person who's going to make mistakes so I'm not going to freak out about it. I am and will remain a tad skeptical about SSLP and the whole Wreckers project until the album comes out and is a success, in which case I'll say, Sorry I doubted you, Meech, I never should have. If it flops I'll just shake my head. But I am looking forward to hearing it. I wasn't lucky enough to catch an OTH date.

Fair enough. :lol:

I don't think I'm treating Michelle like a goddess.  The reason I'm backing her so strongly isn't because I have a huge crush on her or whatever, it's because, contrary to you, I REALLY agree with all of her recent decisions, that's all.

I think where I was getting crossed up with your thoughts derives from our very different definitions of the word "success" as it relates to the music industry.  To me, a success is a record that sounds good.  It doesn't have anything to do with sales or critics.  To me, Harmonium was a great success.  Something tells me you would say that Harmonium was a great album, and you loved it, but it wasn't a success because of its terrible sales numbers and luke warm reviews.

What I also understand now is that, while we both want longevity for our favorite artists more than anything else, we have different ideas of how they go about attaining it.  To me, if Michelle or whoever is just making music for her label and not for her, then its the same as if she's not doing anything at all because it isn't truly her music.   For me, longevity can only be accomplished if an artist continues to make music that comes from them without any (or very little) compramise.  That's why I'm more worried about Michelle's longevity being up in the air because her fame has caused her such problems that she's all but stopped being able to write, as opposed to Vanessa who may have had a flop, but she still has the ambition to write and play music.  In my opinion, she already has a big enough name so that she will find distribution for her music somewhere, even if no big labels will have her.

And, to be honest, I think Michelle's post is getting blown out of proportion a little.  She was really angry and let off some steam on TWMB.  I highly doubt she will just retire and be a mom.  From what I've read, she has too much drive to just do that.  But I do think she'd rather be low profile because she's got a child to care for now, and I've got no problem with that.

sorry for the long posts MissBehavior, but I'm a writer.  This is me keeping it short. :)


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1227 on: January 14, 2006, 04:37:03 pm »
I didn't say you were treating her like a goddess. I never said ANYTHING about you. A lot of artists' fans treat them like that. Those were the people I was talking about.
And I do consider "success" in the music industry to be selling a lot of albums. You wouldn't consider someone to be successful in a business if they made decisions that made them happy but did nothing for the company, would you?

at least i can say
i was not afraid
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i'd pick the fool any day.

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1228 on: January 15, 2006, 10:46:39 am »
Quote from: "amberbeads"
I didn't say you were treating her like a goddess. I never said ANYTHING about you. A lot of artists' fans treat them like that. Those were the people I was talking about.
And I do consider "success" in the music industry to be selling a lot of albums. You wouldn't consider someone to be successful in a business if they made decisions that made them happy but did nothing for the company, would you?

Sorry, I didn't mean to put words in your mouth, I just misinterpreted you.

As far as your question about whether I would consider a legitimate artist a success even it they only had a small niche in the market and couldn't even stick with a big label- quite frankly, YES.  Some musicians merely make music to make money, but others (like Vanessa or Michelle, I believe) make music because they are naturally artistic and they want to share their ability to convey emotion with the world.  They, as individuals, have nothing to do with the business side of things.  Or at least they shouldn't in my opinion.

Hlary Duff, Kelly Clarkson, Britney Spears, etc. are business successes.  But those props go to their labels and managers, not them.  They are relatively talentless, (sorry to Clarkson fans, but all she has is a nice voice and that alone doesn't seperate her from thousands of other people in the world) but they are highly marketable.

Someone like Vanessa Carlton, however, no matter what kind of sales numbers she has is a success because she is talented.

When I'm on a MB for a musician, I assume when people say "success," they mean it in terms of quality of music, not sales numbers.  If I was on a BMG MB, if one exists, I would assume people were thinking in terms of dollars and cents because that is a company and that is their job.

It isn't an artist's job to make money, it's their job to create art; therefore they are a success if they make quality art.  Sales numbers have nothing to do with whether they are a success in my mind.  Sometimes the artist's goal and the label's goal have contradictions and that is when you get situations like Michelle Branch's.

I realize my way of thinking is going to put me in the minority in a medium like this, but I like to understand the other point of view too.  It helps make me a more well rounded person. (I hope)  :)

Thanks for hearing me out and offering your own opinions.  Even though I still don't understand what making money has to do with the art of creating music, you've helped me to better understand how the majority comes to this conclusion at least.

Thanks! :D

I gotta wear shades

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #1229 on: January 15, 2006, 09:41:57 pm »
Quote from: "I gotta wear shades"

They must not realize that Shanks is not involved with this album.

My bad.... I guess he is involved in some capacity (one song?)