Oh that ROCKS!!! alright i'll talk to my parents and see what they say... like tonight and i'll let you know tomorrow! if you wanted to put it on ebay, you can... but i'll let you know tomorrow- if you can wait. thannnnnnnnk u!
oh no no, no worries... i'm not in a rush. I purchased 5 when they were released because well... i just knew it would sell out
I'd only put it on ebay if i couldn't find someone to buy it. I have 3 people coming up from DC with me, and 1 friend in Philly. I'd
LOVE for you to go... we could hang again
NESSAholics represent at an Ev show
Plus, i KNOW you'd love the show. Revis, and Evanescence! w00t. So let me know whenever
Plus, your parents might let ya since we've already met