Maynard James Keenan has to be one of the most talented people making records, and the band is just ultimately musically genious in my personal opinion, and thousands of fans surely support me. although i think i'm the only one on this board seeing as though there's not yet been a thread for them!
they've been around since 1990, but have recently hit "fame.".. or atleast more fame than they've had.. some fans are mad about this.
my boyfriend is an avid fan and got me into them, mostly so with their most recent album "10,000 days" that came out this summer.
this is one of the most creatively diverse concept albums i've ever heard.
the best part of this album is the song "10,000 days (The Wings Part II) and seems to have this chilling effect on everyone i know. the song is long, i think 9 minutes (and has a part 1 which is long too) and this one part.., 5 minutes into the song is just ... amazing, and gives me chills EVERY time i listen to it. even if im not paying attention to it. i don't know what it is.
i recommend you check it out