it was interesting... this morning i was walking to this restraunt to meet my family and i noticed some bloody footprints on the sidewalk. i thought they were just an animal or dog or something so i didnt think much of them at first. after breakfast my mom, grandma and I decided we were curious (curiousity runs in my family, haha) so we decided to go see what was going on. we followed them about 2 miles... across a bridge, down a few streets and then we found a dead end. The bloody footprints went up some stairs to a park but there was a police line across the stairs so we couldnt go up. We saw a police man and asked him what was going on because i'm in forensics at school and would like to write a report on it. he was really nice and told us what he knew, but at that point it wasnt much because they'd only been working on the case for about an hour. He said that the footprints led up and ended where there was a pool of blood and then dissapeared. he was like "ok, we'd have to go quick cause i could get in trouble, but come with me and i'll show you". so i went under the tape and saw where it was. he then told us that they think the source was on this island not too far away. So we followed the path the 2 miles back to where we started and followed it the other way. along the way we talked to another cop who told us there were blood hounds on the way. we also talked to some csi people who talked to me about why the blood looked the way it did on the sidewalk. they also said that they were pretty sure it was a woman... we followed the bloody footprints through a street with houses. The prints weren't of a full foot, it was like she cut the part of the foot up near the big toe and it was bleeding. we could also see 2-4 toes in each print. there was alot of blood in each print, i cant believe someone could bleed that much! i could tell which way the person was walking from the way the toes were and the way the blood was splattering. also i thought she was small from the way the prints were spaced and that she was drunk from the way the prints were zig zagged back and forth across the street. my mom and grandma didnt believe me tho. they thought she was going the other way and that she was tall and just scared cause she was shot in the foot. we followed them to a house were there was blood on the fence and it had police tape around it. we lost the trail for awhile but then found it and it led to the source of the problem where the CSI people were. we talked to a detective and he told us the whole story.
it was a small woman who was drunk (haha, i was right! yay). she cut her foot on a pipe vent and then walked 2.5 miles to where she was picked up by a car. the cops found her because she had caused a bit of trouble earlier that night and he remembered her. they went to her house and asked if she cut her foot and she said yes. lol. all that because of a drunk woman. but it was interesting! there were bloody footprints around a city streching for 2.5 miles and police and police tape everywhere. the whole city was curious. she lost a lot of blood!! i'm surprised she's ok!