Colchester! I've been there! Hehe if you drive up a bit, then east, right next to the sea, in the middle of nowhere, is where I used to study! (it's in Suffolk though, but very close to Colchester)
Anyway, Rosie, Kev, and the rest... I actually wanted to ask you about top-up fees (and the Hutton inquiry, but that goes on LJ). I've been watching the BBC almost non-stop these days you see... and I was wondering, what do exactly top-up fees mean? And why did Tony Blair have so much trouble convincing its very own MPs to vote for him? I eve heard Gordon Brown had to convince the Labour MPs who support him to vote for Blair, cos they apparently didn't want to. I'm sorry if those are absurd questions, but I'm an ignorant human being who's been watching far too much BBC lol