My teacher in Leadership offered this to the class. She said it was on an application for a big job that 200 people applied for. Only one of the 200 people got the answer, he got the job. Here it is, if no one figures it out by monday night or something I'll post the answer...
You're driving down a back road miles from civilization. It's pouring rain, with thunder and lightning mixed. You look to the side of the road as you're slowly passing. You see three people on the side of the road.
One boy who is your best friend. He once saved your life.
One old lady, who if she isn't taken to the hospital she will die.
One man/woman of your dreams.
You only have room for one more passenger in your car. If you don't take the old lady, she will die. If you don't take your dream man/woman you'll never have a chance with them. You owe your best friend for saving your life.
What do you do?
I'd think I would pick up my friend.
I mean, you ARE MILES from civilization, if you take the old woman, she'll die in your car, i mean the hospital is probally SO far away.
why would i pick up the person of my dreams? maybe that LIKE to walk in the rain?? --you dont know!?!
..i say i'll give my friend who saved my life a ride, cause i mean, i dont know the old lady, and she gonna die anyway, and the other person is like, well i dont know you all that well either, you might pull out a gun and kill me, and my friend is my friend, i trust him, and if he saved my life before, then he oviously wont try to kill me or anything. sure, i;d help out my friend.
but the correct answer is probally something stupid like keep on driving and dont pick up anyone, cause it storming out and you're sopposed to stay in your car where its safe. :roll:
OR(my 2nd or 3rd chose)
let your friend have the hott chick, i mean, you DO owe him everything.. your life Is important, and having the girl you want isnt as improtant as living.--which is why you should take the old lady.