Liz and I went to MA over Labor Day weekend and hung with Ivy and her fiancee Brian (what a popular name)
here's a ton of pics.
Me shooting stuff
the other Brian shooting stuff
took this pic to be funny, but the funny thing is, we don’t look all that threatening
Welcome to Cape Cod
4-Wheelin’ is fun
safety precaution
at Friendly’s
Friendly’s French Fries
Ivy just couldn’t wait for the dang quesa-dilluh!
for Nicole
off-roading was good clean…uhh dirty…fun.
Had to apologize to Lizzie…we told her we’d drop her off at Staples while we go off-roading…we lied. You know you had fun Liz…don’t deny it.
Cold water…hot day…Word.
It’s called a CIRCLE damn it!
Ivy’s nieces, Caitlin and baby Cameron, and the $90 stuffed Scooby
Ivy singing/playing San Fransisco
Rack ‘em up
Dancing to Ivy’s ATM ringtone. It doesn’t get much whiter than me.
Stop making fun of my dancing
Word life!
Singing to one of V’s songs
Singing to another V song…or it may have been AC/DC
Singing something
Ivy trying to look tough
Unsung on the Jukebox at Pool Hall. These guys kept playing Fitty and Eminem, so we snuck in and got some VC and AC/DC into the mix.
Lizzie’s not so good at pool
The V sign
Tina’s dolla fitty hat
Tina’s dolla fitty hat
Tina, you fat lard, you broke my car
This is Tina