Author Topic: Big Punisher  (Read 2423 times)


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Big Punisher
« on: May 13, 2004, 11:45:20 pm »
Some of you may know him by his two singles, "Still Not A Player" or "It's So Hard", and some of you may know him as the rapper who died of a heart attack at only 28 years old back in 2000.

I've been meaning to make this thread for a while, but I finally have gotten around to it. Back when Pun died I was really just coming back to rap, so I really did not listen to him or know much about his stuff. However, in the past year I worked with a guy who really loved Pun and his stuff, so I went and got a couple of the albums and his music and raps are really good. He has a really smooth flow and a nice delivery. His style was very versatile too.

The more I think about the whole situation with Pun, it is sad really. He was the first Latin solo rapper to go platinum in America at 26 and he died at 28 because he couldn't keep his weight in check. And it is also sad that there really isn't that much out there on the internet about him any more. I was trying to find more info to post, but there really isn't much. I did find one site though Big Pun Forever, a pretty decent tribute site.

Anyone else like/remember Pun?
For all you broken hearted lovers lost, go find another one. 'Cause you know time won't wait and you'll be late, white rabbits on the run...