the best party i've ever been to..? none actually haha. i've never been to a real party (like you knoww, a party for no reason, and theres dancing and schtufff), i've never been to one of those..well..its kind of hard to, since no one throws them haha. or maybe people don't throw parties like that at this age..or maybe they do and i just don't know about it..OR they do but just any possible place but around here hah. i've been to a few birtbday parties, nothing really big though. the best party i've been at though, was my birthday sleepover party for when i turned 12, in fifth grade last year. although there was no drunk people throwing up and wobbling around doing crazy pathetic stunts (well it would've been hard to anyway, i only invited like 6 of my closest friends heee), twas still extremly extremly funn, humourous, interesting, and anything else that describes fun ehehee. AND I EVEN GOT TO WHAM MY FACE INTO A HUGE BOWL OF ICECREAM AAND A PIECE OF CAKE! *feels proud* lmao.