You actually tried it? Sounds like you must've used too much. It's only for flavouring, not for coating bread or eating by itself like peanut butter can be!
I slather it all over toast. I use it like I'd use Jam or peanut butter (if peanut butter wasn't rank).
I had a friend who used to eat table spoons of the stuff on it's own. But that's too far for me :?
wait - let me get this straight - you like marmite, but not peanut butter!? how could this be? :-P i loooooovee peanut butter.
Correct I don't like too much marmite, but in reasonable amounts I love it. Peanut butter is just foul in any amount :-P
Although I hear reese's cups (sp?) are nice One day I want to try one.
ok yall must have an extremely different version of peanut butter than us because it is most enjoyable, espeically on a bagle when it's all melted...yummm.
hmmm peanut butter cups are SO good.