It was actually kinda scary, but fun. I kept trying and trying, and I'd get out and think. I now have a bruised right arm and a sore on my left foot! I think I tried four times before I got my entire body in, and then the only way my head would fit, you wouldn't see my face, so I just dealt with it. But then as soon as I did get in and was satisfied, the **** thing started turning and I was upside-down when the camera went off! 8O That was almost scary, and I didn't take the phone in there with me just in case I needed to call for help. :roll: I couldn't get it turned upright so I could get out until I managed to work my arms loose and grab ahold of the floor! :lol: Not something I'm willing to try again anytime soon. :razz:
But right after I bought my new car, I got in the trunk just to see that I could fit and while I was in there, I figured out how to pop it open from the inside, just in case I was ever to find myself locked inside it, or any similar car's trunk :wink: .