okay this is really funny!!!!! :lol:
I was at a really nice swimming pool with my friend and twin the other day....and we were swimming and hanging out in the pool...and suddenly I hear Hands On Me playing!!!!
At first I didnt really notice since Im so used to listening to Vanessa at home...but then i realized that we were in Lebanon....at a swimming pool/beach ....
I started screamingg!!! LOL
"OMG! Vanessa Carlton! Vanessa Carlton! It's Hands On Me! Vanessa Carlton!!!!!! Is it a cd or on the radio!!!?!?! OMGGGG VANESSAAA CARLTON!"
and like i was screaming so loud...people started staring!!! And it was kinda embarassing because i was like jumping up and down and screaming and like flapping my hands in the air....and it's a really high class, expensive swimming pool....all the high class, rich people and alot of snobs from my school were there.... :oops: :oops:
also...that same day, i slept at my friends house and we were watching Gossip Girl (she got in on DVD from America
) and I had fallen asleep...as soon as she heard Nolita Fairytale playing at the end of one of the episodes (the one about Thanksgiving) she came and stood over my head til i woke up and then i started screaming again! "Vanessa!!!!! It's Vanessa Carlton on Gossip Girl!!! NOLITA FAIRYTALE!!!"
and i started singing along til the end...then i was like "okay gdnight..." and i turned around and went back to sleep!
hehehehe :lol: :lol: :lol: