So, Zach and I have been in the studio recording some of the hits for an album hopefully out by autumn. I have been working like a dog day and night. School, Plays, Services, Recording, all that jazz.
I am very much looking forward to some jam time...
anyone with me?
I have a bunch of gigs coming up as soon as school gets out - and i am no longer a first grade teacher.
THIS MONDAY NIGHT is super important - it's Zach's CD Release/ B'day Show at Molly Malone's in Hollywood - you all must come -I am singing back-up on the set - but more important - come just to buy his new album - a lot of hard work went into it - and i even did all the cover art - took the photos - painting the painting, etc... so, please come out and support us and buy a cd for the amazingly low proce of $6
then....(trumpet - do do do dooooo)
June 28th - I'm playing at The Palms Bar in W.Hollywood
July 6th - I'm Playing Tangier (I hear it's awesome!)
July 8th - I'm Playing at Hamburger Mary's in W. Hollywood
July 21st - I'm at The Rainbow Bar & Grill in Hollywood
I love you guys and I hate to beg but this is my first time playing so many gigs back to back - all of these shows I need a draw of at least 10 people - so PLEEEEEEEASE come and PLLLLEEEASE bring some friends... I am currently un-employed over the summer (i might have a few leads buuuut) for now gigging is my only way to make money - and if no one shows up i not only dont get a dime - i also lose my impecable reputation and chance to play these places again.... the gig i need the most people at I belive is Tangier. BUT come to as many as you can - I really need your help - you are my true friends and my true street team - so please get the word out!
i love you, xoxo,