AUGUST Loves to joke - Of course
Attractive - Never
Suave and caring - Do I know what suave means? I'm apathetic.
Brave and fearless - I'm scared of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Firm and has leadership qualities - All Aboard the Leadership!
Knows how to console others - I get yelled at when I do that.
Too generous and egoistic - I talk about myself waaaaaay too much.
Taked high pride of oneself - Of course
Thirsty for praises -
Extraodinary spirit - I heart hype and good moods!!!!!!!111
Easily angered - Yes
Angry when provoked - Ummm, no
Easily jealous - Yes
Observant - Yes, particular and picky as well
Careful and cautious - No
Thinks quickly - Yes
Independent thoughts - Possibly, I don't really know.
Loves to lead and to be led - To lead!
Loves to dream - OMG, I wish it would snow. It's raining like hell!
Talented in the arts, music and defence - 8O
Sensitive but not petty - Yesssss
Poor resistance against illnesses - I haven't been sick since Jan. 1, 2000!
Learns to relax - No, most of the time
Hasty and rushy - Yes
Romantic -
Should I know?
Loving and caring - Kiiiiiind of
Loves to make friends - I hate people. Actually, I only like CERTAIN people.