there's no point in defending vinyls... Cd IS a superior format in terms of sound quality. Of course, theoretically vinyl can exceed cd's limitations, it is not at all practical. I'm not saying that cd is better than vinyl in general. I'm saying that cd is always better than vinyl in its sound quality; there is NO argument to that.
As for the purposes of listening to a vanessa recording with the best sound quality you can get, just stick to the cd. After all, that is one of the big reasons that vinyls are NOT the major music format anymore and cd's are.
I find that some people just have a tendency to rebel to anything or want to be people that don't follow the traditional norms. Thus, there have been a lot of people spreading false myths glorifying vinyls for the sake of thinking it is so cool to be old skool and different from widespread use of cd's. I think that just makes you look dumber.
Lots of what you say is simply your opinion stated as fact, like "CD is always better than vinyl". No argument to that? Guess again! Have you listened to many vinyl vs. CD issues? I'll bet you haven't. True, there is a geek factor involved with vinyl, and a few of us here do remember listening to vinyl in years past. And let me point out that many early CD's sounded terrible. Some CD's also sound terrible today, due to horrible overuse of EQ, compression, and maximization during mastering. ANY medium is only as good as what you put into it--as I've said before, garbage in, garbage out. Having said that, I like both formats.
Really, some people can't get past some of vinyl's weaknesses--pops, clicks, scratches, inner groove distortion, etc., which I understand, 'cause I don't like that either! Add to this the fact that it takes a bit of tweaking to make a LP track properly and therefore sound good, whereas a CD can sound good from a Discman.
The bottom line is that, when all is said and done, it's all subjective. No two people hear anything the same. What you prefer is what you prefer, and there's no need to diss someone's else's taste.
CD's started outselling records in 1988. It's more than nostalgia that keeps people coming back.