Err, she did 4 songs: you forgot "Hands On Me" (formerly called PYHOM)!!
Irv is the sh!t, he totally hooked me up and told us a lot of info about Vanessa and the upcoming stuff. I was even allowed at sound check: if I remember correctly, she did "Hands On Me", "Heroes and Thieves" and "White Light" (she didn't do this one at the show, don't know why...)
They (Vanessa and Irv) also did an interview for MTV which is gonna air in the next 10 days apparently. It should be about 3 minutes on air but we got the whole thing (about 30+ min)
But I'm not allowed to talk about some of the stuff he told us yet. Check the o-board, he'll post about it at some point.
Sorry I didn't mean to brag or anything, just wanted to give you guys the info.
I'm still on a high right now, it's crazy! ha
ps: if I were you, I'd check the download thread for a little surprise!