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Messages - rosieposy87

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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / STARS GET NAKED FOR JANE
« on: June 04, 2005, 10:44:09 am »
Quote from: "VanessaPiana"
did you know that America is the most sexually-repressed nation in the world?

LOL. Thats the biggest load of bollocks i've heard in a while.

Quote from: "Will"

It's funny. I believe the exact opposite you do about referendums. They shouldn't be over the small stuff. That's what the legislators are for. Major decisions should be left to voters.

No no, we don't think the opposite. We are just coming at it from different angles. I completely agree with the concept of popular sovereignty and voters having the final word- i just don't like the way in which referendums do this. I don't think yes or no is enough- i think maybe a consultative process with the electorate and then a range of options could be far more effective. People vote 'yes' or 'no' for reasons other than a straight answer to the question a lot of the time, and yes or no is often too blunt an instrument to make an informed decision on an issue.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / STARS GET NAKED FOR JANE
« on: June 04, 2005, 07:33:32 am »
Ahhh the number of times this argument has gone round in circles- with Michelle and now with Vanessa. People making the point that she can do what she wants are right, but that doesn't stop other people being affected by her decision. If you personally are not affected by her decision because you don't object to it, then fair play to you (i am in the same camp as you). But don't dismiss other people and their opinions who are affected by it. They have an equally valid point as well- that vanessa seems to have conveyed the message that she wouldn't do anything like this.

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 2
« on: June 04, 2005, 07:09:05 am »
'Champagne Breakfast'- i.e everyone gets pissed at 8 in the morning because we've left college.

After 4 glasses

Me and Kieran.


Quote from: "Will"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Referendums in particular are crap. A yes or no answer to a document like this, or indeed to many of the issues put forward in referendums, is too simple to convey any kind of coherent message.

Being Californian, I have a different view. By law in my state, certain things MUST be passed by referendum. It keeps the legislature in check. If we want to pass our own law and bypass the legislature entirely, we can use referendum too, providing we get enough signatures to place an issue on the ballot. The point isn't to convey a certain message with a yes or no. The point is to give the common man a say in a major decision that will affect him, instead of leaving it to a bunch of slimy career politicians.

I agree with the Californian system and the Swiss one too-i think they work effectively. (Maybe thats because one day i will go to switzerland and persuade everyone to pass a law to give me chocolate everyday) I just think referendums as an answer to something like this are bollocks- i'm not sure that Californians vote on matters as huge as this? What i'm not objecting to is the process of referendums and the way they give the 'common man' a say- but that the options presented in them are too limited a vast amount of the time.

Polls / How many countries have you been to?
« on: June 02, 2005, 09:12:00 am »
YEAH! Go lie in your bloody federal bed! I absolutely do not think Americans have an excuse- i have been to America as has nearly everyone i know- that took the same amount to get there as the other way round, lol. I just think its about a different attitude- which, fair enough, has been created by living in Europe. I think anyone who hasn't been to another country has to go! Another state just isn't the same, the way the people are, the food you eat, the atmosphere is all completely different in another country. And GREAT!

P.S Scotland and Wales are legally seperate countries, states are not.

Quote from: "neos"
Quote from: "kev222"
Democracy is a joke. It's just a pity that there's no better alternative.

My thoughts exactly.

Referendums in particular are crap. A yes or no answer to a document like this, or indeed to many of the issues put forward in referendums, is too simple to convey any kind of coherent message.

Polls / How many countries have you been to?
« on: June 01, 2005, 12:02:18 pm »
Corsica (though techinically not a country)
United States of America
Czech Republic
Driven through germany (all i want to do frankly!)

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: June 01, 2005, 11:41:01 am »
i have blagged nearly all of them scott- i LOVE them!

Quote from: "Will"
One thing that lots of people don't seem to notice is that the proposed European Constitution actually concentrates more power in a central government than the US Constitution. The only area where this treaty is weaker than the US Constitution is in foreign policy. That is to say, nations can still conduct their own foreign policy and sign treaties on their own.

It's silly to say a superstate won't result from this. Not that I'm saying that's a bad thing, but the people of Europe are being hoodwinked.

I think, Will, you are looking at this from a very different and non-European perspective (well, thats fairly obvious). The fact that it concentrates more power than the US to me bears no relevance at all. The US is not Europe. The European Union has never aimed to be a federal state like the US and as far as i'm concerned its unfair to compare the two in such a way. Nations still have control over foreign policy, immigration, taxes and numerous other pivotal issues. In the vast majority of countries Union membership is not written into any constitution meaning membership merely consists of a repealable act of parliament.

What i don't like is your tone as if the people of Europe are stupid and being 'fooled'- the depth of debate that has occured in France and the Netherlands is admirable and clearly two of the original members are not being 'hoodwinked' as they have (or are about to) voted no. What the constitution is bringing about is a full and intellectual discussion of the EU's direction and purpose- i don't see this as a murky path to some superstate in which millions of europeans suddenly wake up to find themselves in a United States of Europe.

Lmao Will, your humour relapse strikes again.

 What a lot of people say is that this document shouldn't really be termed a 'Constitution' because it makes it seem like its different from just another significant treaty (such a Nice)- so people question it and judge it in the wrong way.

I haven't really paid enough attention to the actual document for it to be worth me commenting on properly. What i do think is interesting is the fact that the French viewed it as an Anglo-American laissez faire document, and we view it as a 'soggy socialist' flowery french document. While its clear that France did reflect their country's internal problems onto their decision on the Constitution, its also clear that at least this will make people seriously reconsider the structure and purpose of the EU.  

I still think the EU is a huge force for good- its just got bogged down in specific rubbish like individual date stamps for every egg in the EU. People here have got completely the wrong idea about the EU and see it as a corrupt never-ending party for fake tanned showboaters like Silvio Berlusconi.

Quote from: "neos"

EDIT: Will, mind talking about why you're congratulating the French?

I think you answered that question here Nere.

Quote from: "neos"
The worst thing though is that this is only going to please Bush, we just showed, as Europeans, that we're incapable of creating a powerful united front that would reomtely outweigh the US  :evil:

Polls / Caption Contest Poll
« on: May 26, 2005, 11:31:19 am »
Quote from: "kev222"
I voted for the one I think's best. But they're all too long. To much explaning the joke in the caption. The comedic value of captions is sharply, inversely proportional to the time it takes to read them. Short ones are always funnier. Your last one would be funnier if it stopped at the first question mark.

"The veneer is a little on the dark side"
"Luke. I am your mother... father!"

Okay, so we've established that I suck and that I'm not a comedian, but you get the idea.

LMAO! So the best ones!

Completely Off-Topic / Explosions in Madrid
« on: May 25, 2005, 07:45:30 am »
Well so much for that 'dialogue', eh nerea? The Socialists are idiots for even thinking they can reason with people like this.

Other Musicians / The Spice Girls (reuniting)
« on: May 22, 2005, 08:59:34 am »
Its not true apparently. Its just some silly idea Mel B had.

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