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Messages - mellsbells12

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Live Shows / awww
« on: December 06, 2003, 08:06:43 pm »
you guys i was thinking about you all day!!!!!!!  you are amazing fans and i'm sure it warms vanessa's heart as well as mine and others here that you went out of your way thru this horrid storm to see her.  i cant wait to see the DVD and all of you!!!

on the flip side...since i didnt enter because i'm sooo stupid..i was shoveling all day and killed me left arm!! owchies :(

love you guys, u mean soo much to me. thanks for representin us :)

<3 mells

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / have fun guys
« on: December 06, 2003, 09:14:52 am »
i knew i shoulda entered, im in albany and i so could have taken the poughkepskieasdjflksjflkdsajfdie $10 train in, if only i coulda gotten to poughalkdjflksjfdsaie lol...

have fun guys, i love you all, give nessa all of our love :)

<3 mells

Polls / hmm
« on: December 02, 2003, 04:34:24 pm »
i love you all, miss you all

but i have to vote off paradise..sorry!!

i hate this whole survivor idea with a passion, personally i cant believe i'm voting, but the first time i heard wanted i thought it was amazing and impossible and it was by far my fav. song on the CD, it has this deep emotion in it and i love it, and i sat down for 2 hours and learned it by ear, which is one of my biggest accomplishments, so i have to support this song! i love "wanted"  

PARADISEEEEEEEEE voted off by me

Completely Off-Topic / hey ya'll
« on: November 27, 2003, 10:39:42 am »
happy thanksgiving guys!!!!!!!

i'm still a nessaholic..and at heart i think about you guys 24/7 like you wouldnt believe

miss you all!!!! you're all angels, thanks for making me a part of this family..i'm definitely thankful for it

love you <3


<3 mells

Polls / well...
« on: November 18, 2003, 06:22:46 pm »
i like all these songs too much

but lately i'm giving into peer pressure and voting off paradise i guess

i hate survivor, and i love all her songs equal, but i love my friends...I CANT DECIDE!!! haha

<3 mells

but i'm confused..

shes mentioned for the Charmed soundtrack..

anyone know which song? i dont know the show, but i didnt know her music was a part of it. is it one of the newer ones?

<3 mells

Completely Off-Topic / im so tired
« on: October 10, 2003, 06:18:32 pm »

i'm falling asleep

OMG!!! my dog is soo cute! shes curled up on my slippers

last night she dragged my simba stuffed animal across the floor, put her head on it and her paw around it

and shes like the same size as it, its so cute


Completely Off-Topic / haha
« on: October 10, 2003, 06:15:39 pm »

i love your new sig joey, i'm jealous

Completely Off-Topic / i cant
« on: October 10, 2003, 06:08:43 pm »
my TVs are taken =(

the one in my dad's room..well hes sleeping, and my mom is on the one downstairs lol.


Completely Off-Topic / ....
« on: October 10, 2003, 06:04:48 pm »
i <3 you

Completely Off-Topic / GINA!
« on: October 10, 2003, 06:03:56 pm »
as always you're my beauty..

and u SO look like jewel in the first curly hair pic..anyone agree?

i love you to and joey both! sorry i dont post here much =(

CANT wait to possibly see you again gina!!!!!! and i got my french student info, its going to be a boy, and hes cute, and 16 hahaha (watch him be a member and i have no idea..)

<3 mells

Completely Off-Topic / aww
« on: October 10, 2003, 06:00:01 pm »
my PSATS are next week..homecoming horrible

lol so i'm unintelligent and dateless..sounds like its gonna be a fun weekend =)

luv you guys

<3 mells <3

<3 especially for my joey <3

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / hmm..
« on: October 08, 2003, 05:15:50 pm »
i like vanessa for who she is...shes like daring to be different and do things that she hasnt done before..or maybe this is something she's done all along but didnt put in the last album because that was more about an adolescent's view of life or something, shes grown now and she has a loving boyfriend..things like that can change a person.

personally when i read her message on 9/8, when she said gothic piano i nearly died of how those two words just like connect together so well.  at first someone could think its scary, it just means like emotional, and more in tune with her thoughts.

this is her album guys, these are her thoughts, i'm sure for all you writers out there its hard to find things that people dont already write about (love, being a somebody)...this is stuff that is actually like true and happening to many people everyday, and this is what makes her happy.

sometimes to make a person happy you think about things that make u upset first and grow from them

i'm just looking forward to the sounds....i didnt really catch the meaning of "she floats" in the 2930820984 times i've listened to it, but now i do, i think it's going to be a little more hidden than u think, i dont think it'll be flat out suicide...

just go with it, its vanessa carlton -- shes changed herself in so many ways, and i know shes changed me

<3 mells

Other Musicians / omg
« on: August 28, 2003, 11:57:10 am »
i'm going tonight! i cant wait, hopefully i'll have as much fun as you did, i'll be in the second row w/ my best friend alexa (her dad got us the seats) and all my friends will be on the lawn haha, i'll visit with them some time

last year the night i wasnt there (of course) it started pouring and storming and the show went on--it was awesome i heard, just hearing like "satellite" to that situation, lol i'm so excited for tonite

glad u had fun niki--i'm so upset we missed each other, but oh well we'll see each other again :)

<3 mells <3

Creative Endeavors / aww
« on: August 25, 2003, 05:43:53 pm »
thanks guys

i'm like a piano-a-holic..i just learn everything and play it over and over again.  c'est la vie and ameriteen were soo easy for me to learn (granted some notes arent perfect) but its there and i love playing it just to be showy for the family haha.

i have a microphone imput in my laptop (which sucks) it actually picks up piano soo well but not vocals, so i'll play with it next week when no one is home hehe, but i have no idea how i'd get it up online :-/

much love to you both =) i'd love to talk to u more about piano/singing mal!

<3 mells

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