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Messages - SunflowerLeah

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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: V on Tumblr
« on: June 05, 2012, 06:42:34 pm »
I like this one...

Godnessa is so hilarious!! Do we know if this person who runs the blog is here on NESSAholics?



PERFECTLY moody photo.

i wanted a summer where i heard "dear california" everywhere and a music video soaked in sunshine cut through with flippant black/white scenes of a stuttering relationship. but despite myself... this image haunts me day in, day out. i look forward to summer melancholy. i'm terribly excited.

full faith that it will be gorgeous.

Don't get me wrong, because I love Bells and all, but that would be spectacular. Dear California would be the perfect song for this summer!!


I love the video she posted, very beautiful music. And the bowl of cherries looks delicious.

After the announcement for the video, it's all like

............. *hears sound of crickets*

I've never seen it so quite here.

There is a 100% chance I will cry during the video, I cannot wait!

and it will be beautiful...


Thank you for the update, Vanessa. Prayers have been answered! Now time to dance in the moonlight with joy...

Maybe we are just too impatient, but I am so lost, where is HTB?

I have to say, Vanessa is such a wonderful artist, I would wait another four years for this video, as long as I get to see it. OK I would like to believe I could wait that long, but in actuality I don't think I could wait until next week.

Somewhere I read the prediction that it would be released today, but alas, no Bells.

Vanessa must be sitting there, with some sort of coffee & reading a book about Native American Mythology, laughing madly and evilly, saying "ahaha, I just love to watch those NESSAholics suffer. They are waiting so patiently, soon.... soon... but yet my minions, you must wait another month! wahahahahaha." She strokes Victors head, then begins to yell "I am the all mighty Godnessa! All shall bow down to me in agony, awaiting the release of bells". Then she'll tweet another photo or so... just to get us interested again... Or not...

Oh and the article said this too -
She said inspiration for her upcoming album comes both from listening to her college-aged brother’s trippy, euphoric music and reading classical mythology.

“I’m very inspired by Shamanism and right now, I’m kind of revisiting a lot of old mythological tales and kind of psychedelic poetry,” Carlton said.
from here:

Very exciting! I'm just so glad she seems so happy recently and wants to make more albums. Electronic music isn't hugely my thing but there is some great stuff. I do have faith in her that she can try her hand at different genres and experiment, and it will still be amazing.

In the interview it says here:

Between pieces, she’d pause and deliver the creation story of each song, but most details were lost amidst the constant chatter. A few came through the microphone, however, including a live and let live message about relationships before the song “Who Says."

Is this a song I'm not aware of, or did they mean 'Who's To Say?'

Yes, Welcome and thank you for all of the information! [I was on my phone at the time, or else I would have googled him myself, but I'm glad you gave so much info]

Sounds like such an amazing and inspiring person, I'll have to look into this character!

Does anyone know who she is talking about?

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / Re: Hear The Bells
« on: March 04, 2012, 08:52:07 am »
I have a theory, and perhaps it's a little out there, I don't mean to offend Vanessa if I am totally off with my idea, so if this is untrue I apologize. [It just seems...]

"Honorable goal? To fall through the looking glass. Every.Singa.Day. Even 4 just a moment. (Mnwhile counting the days til nxt fresh peyote" - Vanessa posted on twitter.

I've researched Peyote, not my drug of choice, but anyways. It can cause side effects of Nausea, also vision, so on so forth. The lyrics "My stomach aches, try and concentrate" reminds me of that. Vanessa has mentioned that she song is about, [forgive me if I'm saying this wrong], an illness, or of a hard time in her life? It just seems like the two are connected. If anyone else has opinons, feel free to speak up.  :)

I remember having that movie on VHS! Vanessa has good taste in movies, it was one of my favorites. Same as The Dark Crystal :)


Death in the afternoon is a grrreat way to go. Does it really mean tranq ur brain at 3 pm on a fancy grassy knoll? "

- Confused about what this means, assuming it's alcohol related by the picture? I have a hard time understanding V's language sometimes, hehe.

How beautiful! Gosh now I'm super excited, she looks wonderful, and her appartment always looks so nice as well.

I think this video will be fantastic.

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