She's already resorted to giving it an alternate title at some shows. :wink:
You mean like "A Thousand F**ing Miles"? :lol:
That would be the one.
I loved the alternate title.
It wasn't nearly as funny the second time I saw her. I wish she was more natural in concert... so many of the things she says sound very premeditated. Forgive me for not remembering any examples :?
I know what you mean, the song introductions are always told the same way. like Atm about her mom hearing it and the dog barking and the mtv censoring, OD about the 30 minutes writting and her having Add,WTS about being for unnaproved couples, also the irv story about atm,about stevie nicks...but you have to remember, most people in the crowd(except for the nessaholics) don't see her live that often, so for them it's the first time hearing the jokes. And can you you imagine making up different ways to tell stuff with the pressure to entertain different crowds every show?! so of course by the last show of the tour her jokes will sound like an automatic script for those who've already seen her, but for the rest, it will still be the first time.