'My Hit and Run', what I believe anyway, is halfway about an actual motorcycle accident, but I think it's also about a one night stand, or something of the sort . . .
"Feel the speed through the intersection / In sheets of rain I seek out cars.'' There, I think he's talking about he feels really good about what he's doing.
''Hands in gloves grip handlbars / Ride alone to the pub in the dark.'' He's refering to a hiding spot a gloves, and his hiding spot controls where he's going. But, he's alone, remember the his break up.
''I get a little wet, but I don't have to park / And the lights start flashing green and red as I ride.'' He starts feeling kind of bad about what he's doing, and he doesn't know if he should keep going, knowing he's gonna hurt this girl, or stop and spare her.
''A car turns left and I slide / I can't turn back / I make contact / Blinkers flash into a mosaic / Then I start flying.'' The girl keeps looking back, and won't foret the past, and Stephan sarts to feel bad bout what he's done. Then, their memories shatter, and he doesn't know what to do.
''Always, we think we get more time / Now flying through the air / Maybe living / Maybe dying / In this motor crash, it's you who comes to mind / Don't we always wish we had more time?'' They're hoping their relationship isn't going to end, but they're not sure. The motor is what kept them going, whatever that could have been, and it suddenly stopped working. They don't want to lose each other.
''I'm thrust slow mo' through time and space / Details smash and / I protect my face / And I see yours and go to a time when we just knew.'' He doesn't know what to do, so he starts sicking up for himself, when he realizes what he did was wrong, and he's the one to blame.
''Mister death in the car below / Doesn't even slow / And away he goes / In the majesty of a motor crash / You skid into my darkness forming / Sex and death, heartbreak and strife / They give me no warning.'' I think 'Mr. Death' is sex. They didn't stop having sex, and by then all feelings were gone.
''Here it comes / My hit and run.'' His last chance to try and say he was right so he can leave.
''Come down hard and roll to my feet / Rain washes blood now off concrete / People turn away and I just had to laugh.'' His girlfriend brings up a really good point as to why it's his fault, but he finds an excuse to why it was an accident, or something. No one wants to sick up for him, so he laughs, knowng he's going to lose this fight.
'' 'Cause I'm still flying / Living and dying.'' He doesn't know what to do, they've been on and off for a while.
''And I'd like to thank Mr. Death for what he's done / 'Cause I got to walk away from my hit and run / Mysteries aren't so empty now as they seemed / 'Cause I saw you at my hit and run.'' He, sarcasticly, is grateful for what sex did to their relationship. It ended. e ralizes what he did, and understands how the girl feels about it.
That's just what I think.