LOL thats cool, her music is also kind of classical which some people say makes babies smarter....idk...i wish my brother [who is 7] would listen to her, but he likes the naked brothers band and his star wars sound track cd. 
UGH. My cousin, whom I babysat for a month two summers ago, fell in love with all my music. And guess what: "So, Ryan, who's your favorite music artist?" I asked. "Vanessa Carlton! I love her piano! Now I wanna play just like her!" was his immediate response.
Now that I haven't been around at all, he still likes the music and V, but not as much, and his new favorite band is.... Oh I don't want to say it... I don't want to believe it... but.... The Naked Brothers Band.... If I babysit again, I'll break him of that nasty habit.
When I see him next, I told him he'll get a couple new albums, especially Heroes & Thieves. And that if he keeps listening to that awful pathetic music he likes now, I will not let him have any of them.... Guess what he said? "NO! I want the Vanessa Carlton CD! Does Michelle Branch have a new one, I want that one too! And Regina Spektor... And Panic At The Disco!"... He went on and on. So, next time I see him, no CD's for him if I hear him humming those stupid little ridiculously-named group of boys' music. =]
Yes, I know, I'm a musical tyrant.