All I know is that only
she knows for sure
Obviously. But it's easy to read between the lines........
Honestly when I heard about the incident it made me feel really really sad because it appears that she could possibly be moving along some downward spiral of depression or breakdown. But after thinking about it a bit, it really hit me.........and it really made me giggle. Obviously she hates the old good-girl persona and what better way to fight that than dropping the F-bomb in front of thousands of people. I mean this small event got her some good press, and as they say........there's no such thing as bad pub....yadda yadda. I can't imagine she felt very comfortable in that group of uptight assholes anyway.
Personally I'm glad she did it on a certain level. I've never been a big fan of the Disney Corporation and the conservative happy-fairytale bullshit they try to pass off as real anyone who pisses them off in such a blatant in-your-face way......intentional or not get's huge points in my book!
Oh and all your folks who keep bringing up the fact that there where children around and were perminantly scarred by her horrible inhumane language-----------try spending 10 minutes in a grade school cafeteria and you will hear 20x worse than the most perverted thing Vanessa's mind could possibly conceive. Protect the children? Fucking. Please. And this is coming from a me as a MOM.