The more I think about this Instagram preview the more confused I am about it... Here are my thoughts:
It can't be any of the following songs cause she played six of them live already:
Take it Easy
House of 7 Swords
Young Heart
Matter of Time
Unlock the Lock
I also know for a fact that it's not Blue Pool or Ascension... So, what does that leave us with? I'm thinking it has to be River or
Nothing Where Something Used to Be. Or maybe she just looped a preview of Patience( but how could that be when she confirmed only 10 tracks at that wasn't one of them)? But if you pause the Instagram video you can see that it has ten tracks listed, then the one that is check marked is #11 and that's what she's playing in the background, or maybe I'm looking way too much into this. Who the heck knows, I'll be patiently waiting for the album release though.
(UPDATE I uploaded the screenshot I took if anyone wants to comment...