mirrorball is my favorite!
and sarah is one of the few celebrities I've ever met. Before she was really well-off and didnt have to move because of lots of fanatical fans she lived on the same number street as me one block down. I trick or treated at her house every year, and didn't even know who she was for most of them until the last like 4 years before she moved to a grander house. She was such a sweetie, and she had the coolest house...it was like this mossy cottage in the city. so neato. she was very generous in her candy portions and unicef donations too
. the last year before she moved when most people knew of her all the kids in the neighbourhood kept going to her house over and over again but she didn't get irritated she thought it was really cute and she kept pretending she was surprised to see us. lol...it was great.
and shes definitely one of my favorite artists. my favorite songs are: fumbling towards ecstasy, I love you and fear