Author Topic: Michelle Branch  (Read 296825 times)


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #675 on: December 12, 2003, 02:58:01 pm »
I wonder what the Chinese or Japanese means.....the first character means feeling or something similar.  It can be translated to mean many things depending on the second character.  I wished I still had my character dictionary for japanese.

The first question is what language is it?

But she is very hot to say the least.

So many people don't understand male sexuality or have respect for it.  Not all men fit the generalization, especially deep down.  Male appreciation for women is not always derogatory.  And just because you don't understand true sexual attraction towards women(or are repressing it) doesn't mean there is something wrong with it.  Sorry for the rant.



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« Reply #676 on: December 12, 2003, 03:11:26 pm »
Oh yeah....that was directed toward some people on here but I agree with the view that artists or women in general should refrain from exposing themselves because it does set a president for coming artists.  It should be about the music and not about their bodies.  In order to be big you shouldn't have to expose your body is what I'm saying; Emphasis on, "have to."

On a side note: Men(in particular, artists) do this too.



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Michelle Branch
« Reply #677 on: December 12, 2003, 03:18:50 pm »
if youve had bad experiences with sexuality in your life..whether it was from your own personal experience or from observing someone elses.. your moral opinion will be affected. you could have had a bad experience from dressing sexy and it affected you so much that now in your opinion 'dressing sexy is a bad thing'. thats the cognition you would have formed in your mind.
so everyone is going to have different moral opinions. whos right and whos wrong?

If you are strong and aware of yourself as a person, you could look at these pictures and feel empowered by them. These days, especially women are made to feel that sexuality is a bad thing that we should feel guilty about it and ashamed.
On the other hand today you cant help but expect people to have a negative outlook on sex when most of the time it is tied in with violence and abuse and degradation. No wonder we are made to feel guilty and fear about it.

Personally, I believe you dont have to be half naked to be sexy.
Im an introvert so I like to keep things behind close doors. However to some extent I like to get dressed up and look after myself because it makes me feel sexy and there is nothing wrong with feeling sexy.
I can see things from two perspectives. I condradict myself because morally I disagree with it and when I think practically I see beyond my morals. I like to however keep my clothes on, and thats me.
Then again, you may be someone who likes to express your sexuality and thats not a bad thing. Aslong as you are not expressing it in a negative way, and expressing your sexuality doesnt mean wearing tiny revealing outfits or having multiple sexual partners.. if you had common sense you would realise that it can be dangerous.

If we looked at nudity in a positive way then nudity would be looked at as an art..not as something degrading, but these days its mostly percieved as a negative thing.

blah blah blah.. when it comes down to it.. if you like her music then these pictures shouldnt stand in the way of you liking the music. Continue to support the music if it reaches you.

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #678 on: December 12, 2003, 03:30:06 pm »
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "tricia"
LMAO Steph...awesome!

Katia, how does posing for Maxim show low standards for herself?  Nudity is beautiful.  It's the way we were born.  I think it shows she has high standards for herself.  She obviously cares about and takes care of her body.  In a society where an absurd amount of people are out of shape and flat out obese, .  Plus, it shows that you don't have to be a skinny minnie.  She has meat on them thar bones.  It's a healthy weight and a healthy body type.  That should be people's role model.  Take care of your body, it's the only one you've got.

I definetely do get your point and i do understand but i don't agree. I think it shows anything but that she has high standards for herself. Those pictures aren't about 'celebrating the beauty of the human form', unless of course you count men leering at her 'celebrating'. If no-one did this sort of thing, then would men expect it anymore? I don't know. All i know is that it sets a precident for stars to come, and for women to show increasing amounts of skin for men to stare at in a derogatory way. How many men have you seen read Maxim and say "oh wow, lets celebrate the beauty of her human form." ?

(Granted, my racist example was a crap one, but i think you get my point!?)

Quote from: "tricia"
Britney and Christina make buttloads of money.  Good for them.  If only I could market myself like that.  They call it the music business for a reason.  You do whatever you can to get your product out there and get the most people interested.  You whore yourself.  *shrug*  C'est la vie...

And Steph, i don't personally agree with applauding someone for selling their body and making money out of it. Thats like saying "Well done! You're a prostitutue, well done for making lots of money" I don't think thats admirable in any way.

Personally I agree with that last bit. I agree with it because it is something I would never do.
Yeah who wouldnt want to retire at an early age and have loads of money but I would like to think that the money I created was from being successful in my talent.

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #679 on: December 12, 2003, 06:06:48 pm »

damn! i don't like michelle that much....but that is hella sexy.

even if she looks like a turtle in the face.


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #680 on: December 12, 2003, 10:06:51 pm »
Quote from: "tricia"
Katia, how does posing for Maxim show low standards for herself?  Nudity is beautiful.  It's the way we were born.  

Have you ever noticed how it's always the women that have to strip down to be noticed? Have you ever noticed how men walk around in their long boardies, and yet women have to wear bikinis? In the summer heat, women walk around practically naked, while men still wear shorts and a t-shirt? Why is it that men have more modesty than women? Sure nudity is beautiful blah blah, but what happened to modesty of the human form? WHy is it always exploited? Not selling yourself like that to have pre-pubesent guys oogling over you in the bathroom? I'd mean I feel all dirty and aolied and just yuck, knowing that little boys take me into the bathroom and are little voyeurs and just .... I mean ... yes yes, you'll tell me it's my choice to wear a bikini or not, but, society for some reason has set the standards such that, we've lost our modesty, we've lost our values, and women are nothing more than a piece of meat in bikini's or nightclubs wearing next to nothing. Boy argue ... what's wrong with that! Girls argue ... it's your choice, but when it comes down to it, i'm just so sick of seeing a lack of positive virtues ... i'm sick of women having to be strip down, to (a) either prove a point in that "I am an artist, and I can do whatever I want ... the fans don't own me ..." a la Jewel and now Michelle, and (b) just general being exploited because it's a mans world and sex sells.
When was the last time you saw some Jason Mraz or John Mayer having to bare all to get some publistity? I wonder why it's always the girls? Girls genereally have to wear less than men, and have to reveal more to get recognition and to get noticed! Strange.
I'm sure ppl don't look at Playboy and drool over some "chick" and think ... "I wonder if she has a nice personality?"

Quote from: "trish"
I think it shows she has high standards for herself.  She obviously cares about and takes care of her body.  In a society where an absurd amount of people are out of shape and flat out obese, it's nice to see that someone can be musically gifted, intelligent, AND look good.  Plus, it shows that you don't have to be a skinny minnie.  She has meat on them thar bones.  It's a healthy weight and a healthy body type.  That should be people's role model.  Take care of your body, it's the only one you've got.

Sorry. We're fat, because we are greedy. It's because we are lazy and lack self control and self disipline. 1in 5 aussies are obese, and 2 in 5 are over-weight. It's disgusting, but the music industry won't LET you be successfull unless you fit the bill!!! Name me an artist who is fat? Name me and actress who is fat? There aren't any fat ppl in the show-biz area! It's simply not allowed! If you're talking about skinny "role-models" in the music industry, you ain't gotta look far.
How is that NOT a skinny minnie? That's as skinny as she comes. In fact now, little girls are going to be thinking that's EVEN MICHELLE who they relyed on the keep it real, is skinny, and if they have confidence issues to begin with, it's only going to be exaserbated, because shots like this play on people with low self esteem and low self confidence.
Yes! Take care of you're body! True. Get fit, work out exercise fine ... but all I see in them photos is ... tacky-ness with those flames, and it looks like she's sweating ... I don't know, I just find it very lurid.

She can look good in a sexy pair of jeans and a nice little t-shirt. She also looks very good in nothing, but what has she left to the imagination? Nothing. I've seen michelle branch naked. And now I feel I know michelle. How can artists do what they do, and yet still DEMAND their privacy like it's a right? She just put herself out there! I've just counted 5 guys with her on their wall paper, and they'll sit their oogling her every night befor bed ... of course ppl want to know intimate details! And yet she'll say she her privacy. funny.

Britney and Christina make buttloads of money.  Good for them.  If only I could market myself like that.  They call it the music business for a reason.  You do whatever you can to get your product out there and get the most people interested.  You whore yourself.  *shrug*  C'est la vie...

That's what it all comes down to. Money.

It hasn't changed my opinion about michelle, I still think her music is mediocre ... but yeah for sure, it's her life! Just like what ever anyone wants to do is their life. It's just this is so in your face all the time! Artists who talk trash about it always being about the music, and keeping it real and keeping their clothes on, but as soon as they see those $$$ signs, it's like all that goes out the window. Not virtues and standards, no modesty.
There's more to life than money.

Fuck it. At the end of day, she's not someone special. People are making waves all the time around us, you're constantly having to make up you're mind about right and wrong even from a simple train trip, you see things that you have to deal with ... but she's in the lime-light because she's famous and has access to more ppl than the average joe-bloe, but you're always having to deal with something. I just hope those ppl out there that think whatever celebrities do is right, have the presense of mind to know that celebrities are talented at what they do fair enough, but they aren't perfect. Nor are they the whole package.

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #681 on: December 12, 2003, 10:15:29 pm »
you know what?
She's yet another artist that has gone down that path.
No big deal. Like Brian said ... it's almost to be expected these days. how sad. When that's the norm.
I just can't believe I spent 10 mintues typing all that out thats all ...

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #682 on: December 12, 2003, 10:56:05 pm »
I guess it's just an issue that we'll never agree on.

I think we differ on the definition of exploitation.  To exploit someone (in this context in which I think you're using it) is "to make use of meanly or unjustly for one's own advantage".  This, to me, implies that the person being "exploited" has no say in the matter, which, as the Today show interview this morning proved, is DEFINITELY not the case in this situation.  Correct me if you meant exploit differently.

I think it's a stark generalization to say that women have lost their modesty.  In all honesty, don't most of your friends dress to the same standards as you, as do most people you know?  While Hollywood may have different standards, I find it rare to see hoe bags walking down the street.

I guess it all boils down to opinion, and ours are different.  Ah well, thus is the way of the world.

I don't see why people always get so worked up about though.  This has in no way brought me an emotional response.  I think it's strange that is has for some people.  Like she's family or something.  Maybe it doesn't bother me because it's not my sister, my friend, etc.  Maybe if would bug me if she was.
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Michelle Branch
« Reply #683 on: December 12, 2003, 11:10:58 pm »
Quote from: "musicalness"
if youve had bad experiences with sexuality in your life..whether it was from your own personal experience or from observing someone elses.. your moral opinion will be affected. you could have had a bad experience from dressing sexy and it affected you so much that now in your opinion 'dressing sexy is a bad thing'. thats the cognition you would have formed in your mind.
so everyone is going to have different moral opinions. whos right and whos wrong?

If you are strong and aware of yourself as a person, you could look at these pictures and feel empowered by them. These days, especially women are made to feel that sexuality is a bad thing that we should feel guilty about it and ashamed.
On the other hand today you cant help but expect people to have a negative outlook on sex when most of the time it is tied in with violence and abuse and degradation. No wonder we are made to feel guilty and fear about it.

Personally, I believe you dont have to be half naked to be sexy.
Im an introvert so I like to keep things behind close doors. However to some extent I like to get dressed up and look after myself because it makes me feel sexy and there is nothing wrong with feeling sexy.
I can see things from two perspectives. I condradict myself because morally I disagree with it and when I think practically I see beyond my morals. I like to however keep my clothes on, and thats me.
Then again, you may be someone who likes to express your sexuality and thats not a bad thing. Aslong as you are not expressing it in a negative way, and expressing your sexuality doesnt mean wearing tiny revealing outfits or having multiple sexual partners.. if you had common sense you would realise that it can be dangerous.

If we looked at nudity in a positive way then nudity would be looked at as an art..not as something degrading, but these days its mostly percieved as a negative thing.

blah blah blah.. when it comes down to it.. if you like her music then these pictures shouldnt stand in the way of you liking the music. Continue to support the music if it reaches you.

BTW, can I just applaud you for making the most intelligent post in this thread?  That was awesome.

Honestly, this is brilliant.  You present both sides of the issue, give support for each, give your personal opinion, and then sum it all up nicely.  And you leave emotion out of the equation.  So many people today get worked up about things that are so unimportant in the long run.
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Michelle Branch
« Reply #684 on: December 13, 2003, 05:08:19 am »
Quote from: "tricia"
Quote from: "musicalness"
if youve had bad experiences with sexuality in your life..whether it was from your own personal experience or from observing someone elses.. your moral opinion will be affected. you could have had a bad experience from dressing sexy and it affected you so much that now in your opinion 'dressing sexy is a bad thing'. thats the cognition you would have formed in your mind.
so everyone is going to have different moral opinions. whos right and whos wrong?

If you are strong and aware of yourself as a person, you could look at these pictures and feel empowered by them. These days, especially women are made to feel that sexuality is a bad thing that we should feel guilty about it and ashamed.
On the other hand today you cant help but expect people to have a negative outlook on sex when most of the time it is tied in with violence and abuse and degradation. No wonder we are made to feel guilty and fear about it.

Personally, I believe you dont have to be half naked to be sexy.
Im an introvert so I like to keep things behind close doors. However to some extent I like to get dressed up and look after myself because it makes me feel sexy and there is nothing wrong with feeling sexy.
I can see things from two perspectives. I condradict myself because morally I disagree with it and when I think practically I see beyond my morals. I like to however keep my clothes on, and thats me.
Then again, you may be someone who likes to express your sexuality and thats not a bad thing. Aslong as you are not expressing it in a negative way, and expressing your sexuality doesnt mean wearing tiny revealing outfits or having multiple sexual partners.. if you had common sense you would realise that it can be dangerous.

If we looked at nudity in a positive way then nudity would be looked at as an art..not as something degrading, but these days its mostly percieved as a negative thing.

blah blah blah.. when it comes down to it.. if you like her music then these pictures shouldnt stand in the way of you liking the music. Continue to support the music if it reaches you.

BTW, can I just applaud you for making the most intelligent post in this thread?  That was awesome.

Honestly, this is brilliant.  You present both sides of the issue, give support for each, give your personal opinion, and then sum it all up nicely.  And you leave emotion out of the equation.  So many people today get worked up about things that are so unimportant in the long run.

Yeah...that was pretty deep... 8O
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Michelle Branch
« Reply #685 on: December 13, 2003, 02:41:32 pm »
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "tricia"
Katia, how does posing for Maxim show low standards for herself?  Nudity is beautiful.  It's the way we were born.  I think it shows she has high standards for herself.  She obviously cares about and takes care of her body.  In a society where an absurd amount of people are out of shape and flat out obese, .  Plus, it shows that you don't have to be a skinny minnie.  She has meat on them thar bones.  It's a healthy weight and a healthy body type.  That should be people's role model.  Take care of your body, it's the only one you've got.

I definetely do get your point and i do understand but i don't agree. I think it shows anything but that she has high standards for herself. Those pictures aren't about 'celebrating the beauty of the human form', unless of course you count men leering at her 'celebrating'. If no-one did this sort of thing, then would men expect it anymore? I don't know. All i know is that it sets a precident for stars to come, and for women to show increasing amounts of skin for men to stare at in a derogatory way. How many men have you seen read Maxim and say "oh wow, lets celebrate the beauty of her human form." ?

I agree. Maxim is printed for one reason, to make money off of the fact that guys like to look at naked women. It's motivated by the ability to make money by exploiting this fact, not the beauty of the nakedness. That's why there are so many adverts in it!

If she was posing for a proper art (or fitness) magazine with a history of integrity then it would not be a problem to me. But Maxim is not that magazine.

Of course, I don't know Michelle's mind or what her motives were, so I'm not going to judge her. Maybe she was motivated by the beauty of nudity or a desire to promote health, I don't know. But if this was the case, Maxim was a bad choice of magazine. If you've had a hit record, you are a role model to young people all over the world, it's not something you can opt out of. I think this kind of thing sets a detrimental precedent for the more impressionable amongst her fans and perhaps other young female musicians (or future musicians).

A thick dividing line between music and beaty/fashion/sex is absolutely required to preserve the integrety of music. That line is already blurred into insignificance, this kind of thing makes it worse (if it can get any worse than it is now :-\)


P.S. This post was entirely my opinion


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #686 on: December 13, 2003, 03:07:52 pm »
Quote from: "tylor2000"

On a side note: Men(in particular, artists) do this too.


yup take justin timberlake for an example and his pictures on rolling stone.


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #687 on: December 13, 2003, 03:30:40 pm »
BTW, can I just applaud you for making the most intelligent post in this thread? That was awesome.

Honestly, this is brilliant. You present both sides of the issue, give support for each, give your personal opinion, and then sum it all up nicely. And you leave emotion out of the equation. So many people today get worked up about things that are so unimportant in the long run.

thanks Tricia =)

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Michelle Branch
« Reply #688 on: December 13, 2003, 03:49:58 pm »
If she was posing for a proper art (or fitness) magazine with a history of integrity then it would not be a problem to me. But Maxim is not that magazine.

I agree with that Kev.
for several reasons.. reasons that you mentioned and also with all the airbrushing and touch ups, those magazines do not promote the naked body as an artform.  If they did then they wouldnt have to alter anything.

~Do Souls Look Like Pickles?~ Spongebob


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Michelle Branch
« Reply #689 on: December 13, 2003, 10:13:02 pm »
I still think she is hot. Reminds me of a few ex-girlfreinds I've had.  It also makes me think I need another girlfriend. LOL
