I joined the army because they promised me:
#1 $20,000 for college
#2 1 year in language school
#3 that language school was on the cali coast
#4 a job specialty in Special Operations
Now I can tell you, I never really thoguht I would go anywhere when I signed up. BUt when it came time to go to Bosnia, after all the training I had, did I feel like I had the right to say no? No way. Did I WANT to go? No way. BUt while there i never would have second guessed myself, or questioned why, or demanded anything more than what i was provided. because it was my job, it was what i agreed to do, and I was proud to do it. The military is truly an honor, I don't think enough people know that or believe that. and sure everybody jokes about how tough it is sometimes, but deep down, i can't imagine anyone who isn't proud to have served....