I feel immature admitting it but I still trick or treat...and have every year. Last year I had to, because we wanted to show our japanese exchange students (who dont celebrate halloween) what it was like...if you think about it, it is really weird (someone said this..too lazy to check who) and they were definitely baffled. I went as Hermione Granger! Woohoo! HP Pride! The years before that I went as colors (blue, orange, green, red...etc.). My art teachers were very impressed....hmm this year...I dunno...I'm going to this big rave party thing with my boyfriend which will probably go until like 7 in the morning so I'll probably have to be napping during the trick or treat time since I cant stay up very late....although I really want to go. If I do...I dont know what I'll go as...one of the sailor scouts definitely jumps to mind...and of the sailor scouts venus is easily the sexiest...but jupiter the coolest. so I guess I'm torn between those two..hrrrmmmm.I guess I'll go with venus since I'm blond at the moment.