that i found interesting.
i was at my piano lesson this morning and we were looking at Ordinary Day in my VC piano book bc im learning that song. It says "Please come with me, see what i see, touch the stars for time will not freeze, time will not freeze..."
i thought "hmm, i always said 'flee'"
so i went home and listened to the song, it sounds like flee i thought, then i looked at the BNN cover and the lyrics indeed said flee
anyone know why the sheet music says freeze and the song says flee?
+soooo many errors in the book
OD-lyric typo + music written for "please come with me see what I see..." is not what vanessa plays.(plus the one stated above)
Unsung- I know it says it but WHY did they change the key from C# to C its just stupid!
ATM- the music for "making my way downtown..." is written different to what Vanessa play's it sounds the same in context but...ach i would have to show you. :roll:
PB-Completely different to what Vanessa plays, Vanessa just plays the chords and has some other ornaments but she NEVER plays the vocal part on piano.
Rinse is excellent.
Sway is perfect too.
Paradise is dead on.
Prince-I thought it was quite cute how they gave u the bass part to play on piano for the intro.
Paint It Black - I guess they used the sheet music that is in the Rolling Stones book.
Wanted - Absolute right
Twilight - One lyrical error it says "Stained by a role" when its stained with a role, "Stained by a role" comes later.
they should have had me to overview it before it was published